August 23, 2015

Progress Report No. 12

Blogging's been sparse, as you may have noticed. Classes started back up the first week of August, and it's been a whirlwind of infectious diseases ever since.

More than ever, I've become acutely aware of how limited my free time is. To be honest, it's made me rather antisocial these days. We had our first exam since coming back from summer on Friday, and there have been quite a few social events I'd felt obligated to attend until I thought to myself, "Are there other things I'd rather be doing during that time?" The answer would always be "yes." And so I'd stay home, go to bed early, and get up early to write.

Well, at least I have something to show for it. Chapter 25 is DONE. Five more to go.

Our next block starts back up on Monday, so it'll likely take more than a month for me to churn out Chapter 26. Hopefully I get as much done in these spare moments as possible, because once January rolls around, I will be studying non-stop until I take my board exam, presumably in mid-March.
