September 20, 2007


So the sirens ring
in appoggiaturas that t-u-m-b-l-e
scarlet parabolas and diamond tangents
barely grazing the point of skin

So the storm clouds cry
crystallized tears that t-u-m-b-l-e
hanging by threads of lightening
barely illuminating your face in the dark

don't make me beg for more
and lie and die beside me.

they say imitation is a form of flattery, but i don't like it. i'm glad she likes my Juliet, but i don't want her trying to imitate Juliet's tone. Juliet's cheeky tone comes to me naturally; trying too hard to be witty comes across as desperate.

it's ironic enough that she wants to be the tragic Shakespearean heroine, Ophelia. So-ophelia. she wants to make ophelia witty. i laugh internally, because i've always thought that Ophelia would be dark and romantic-gothic. in other words, how i usually write. then again, Juliet was never sharp-tongued enough to get rid of that blockhead Romeo. so i guess i did take some creative liberties.

i am not a fan of the dual-advice-columnist concept, but i have little say in the matter. i think the concept only makes sense if the two columnists are a male and a female. however, i shall have to tag along with this without complaint.

well, without public complaint, that is.

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