November 10, 2011

mirror and fog

I haven't given up on the challenge.

But in my defense, I am taking a creative writing class this semester, and I have had to write more for this class than I have for any of my English classes thus far. I think my first piece was pretty good, so I might post that in the future.

The strangest thing happened to me this morning. You may already know that I am an early bird. Per usual, I woke up at 7:30 AM and climbed out of bed to take a shower. Part of my morning routine is taking a hot shower -- it helps me wake up and it relaxes me for the day. Though it's allegedly bad for your skin, I usually turn the water on pretty hot, to the point that when I turn off the water and step out of the shower, the room is essentially filled with steam.

I had an exam today. I stood in the shower for a longer time than usual, letting the hot water wash away the stress and anxiety. When I finally turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, it was the strangest thing.

The mirror, normally completely clouded from the steam, was crystal clear.

I am not a superstitious person in the slightest. But it was so out of the ordinary that I had a gut feeling that something was going to happen. I just wasn't sure what.

At around 2 pm, my friend called and asked if she could come over. I said yes.

When she came in, she put her head on the kitchen table and started crying. I asked her some questions, but all she kept saying over and over was, "How do I say this?"

Suddenly, I knew. The realization flickered into my mind, but I didn't say it. I was hoping I was wrong. I was hoping I was over-imaginative again.

Finally, she blew her nose into a tissue and said it.

"I'm pregnant."

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