August 15, 2012

/end chapter/

The sun had set long ago, abdicating its throne in the sky to the moon. She had fallen asleep in the passenger seat, exhausted from a long day traveling around San Francisco. To keep him awake as he drove us home, her boyfriend and I engaged in a conversation about our experiences growing up in the Bay Area. By chance, we talked about his high school extracurricular activities, when he mentioned that he knew a couple of names from my high school. There were a few that I already knew were our mutual acquaintances. But then there was one name that I probably should have thought of -- but I didn't, and so it came as a complete surprise when I heard it. As he explained that they had been childhood friends, a strange feeling came over me. I couldn't pinpoint quite what it was, but to my surprise, it wasn't a bad feeling, the kind that used to crush my insides like a grape. It was almost like apathy.

When the car came to a stop before my house, he stepped out to help me move things out of the trunk. That was when this dialogue occurred:

S: You want to know a secret, R? I used to have a crush on him.
R: Him? Really? But he's such a derp.
S: I know. I was an idiot.

And that was the end of it.

It was so easy.

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