July 6, 2014

Obligatory Europe Photo Dump

Hello, hello--I HAVE RETURNED. Back to life, and back to love!

Or, more aptly--I have returned to California. The last two weeks were utter chaos, with the drive from North Carolina to Louisiana, finishing up my job, moving all my possessions and whatnot. I have three weeks of freedom in my childhood home, and these past three days have been utterly splendid. I finished writing Chapter 14 last night and figured now was as good of a time as any to finally write this blog post. It always feel great to wrap up a chapter, but mannnnn it's always a struggle to jump back into a groove for the next one.

I don't particularly feel like detailing any of the incidents on my Europe trip. In hindsight, there weren't really any epic tales to tell. Lots of sightseeing, eating, the usual. I picked a handful of my favorite photos that I took during the trip. I'm not really into photography, but I was quite happy with how some of my shots turned out. I'm also too lazy to write captions, seeing as I already wrote 250-something captions for Facebook, so I'll just leave it at that.  


Astrid said...

What camera are you using? I realize now that the images you used for illustrating the beauty of Big Sur are NOT stock photos but rather shots you took!!

Sophelia said...

Canon PowerShot 300 HS! I love my point and shoot camera lol. Didn't even use Photoshop on most of them.