December 16, 2015

Still Alive

I know, I haven't blogged in a while. School has been intense, and things will be gearing up towards my board exam in mid-April. Random thoughts I've been meaning to parse out in blog entries, but bullet points will have to do:

  • Netflix series Jessica Jones is amazing. Highly recommended.
  • Writing has been excruciatingly slow. Not sure how much time I'll have over the holidays, given the guests that will be at home, but the sense of urgency and need to finish up this cursed first draft has only gotten stronger as the year draws to a close. It's literally driving me bonkers.
  • Neko Atsume. Download this game if you like low-maintenance cute kitties. It is a joy.
  • I hate reading the news these days. A lot of the rhetoric that's being batted around now makes me disillusioned and quite sad about the lack of compassion in people out there.
  • I need to get back to work now. Toodles.


graydyl said...


graydyl said...

Oh, I need to start watching Jessica Jones, another friend recommended it to me. Lol that randomly reminds me - remember when I made you watch Hemlock Grove when you stayed over at my place hahahaha... well, I actually finished all three seasons! o_O