Almost perfect. I changed the eyecolor to a greyish-blue -- the original was by Orioto on deviantart and had brown eyes. If he had a sharper face, a colder expression, and more piercings in the ear, this would be a young Rhys.
Thanks to time_to_freefall.
I think I've referred to Howl often enough on here that people might have figured out who Howl is. If not, for these purposes let's call Howl... Petra Malkovich. Such an exotic feminine name, no? So east-European. There's probably some Siberian supermodel out there with a name like that.
So I was chatting with G. and Gov. J online, and I suddenly got a brilliant idea. There are all these noble charities out there dedicated to promoting awareness towards global issues such as genocide or AIDS. Many of them accept donations of money, food, clothing, and medicine in order to better the world for everyone.
So, I figured, why not partake in this noble movement and start my own charity? I call it SPF -- Sober Petra Fund. You see, Petra, being a popular supermodel and all, is unfortunately exposed to all sorts of horrible things that de-sober people. And of course, everybody cares about Petra. So everyone donates money to this lovely fund, which collectively pulls together enough money to rent a construction crane. Because Petra, no doubt, is in denial, the foundation will volunteer to strap Petra down so that the crane can quite conveniently ship our beloved supermodel off to rehab.
And for an added bonus, donate extra money, and you will be granted to send Petra a swift kick in the derrière as a farewell.
And with that, I shall present the SPF logo -- in honor of one of the most famous stories of Petra detailing the exotic pet in the garage.

And for an added bonus, donate extra money, and you will be granted to send Petra a swift kick in the derrière as a farewell.
And with that, I shall present the SPF logo -- in honor of one of the most famous stories of Petra detailing the exotic pet in the garage.

I'm rather indifferent to him. Most of his antics have so far been reserved for the male Chinatown group, so I've never been directly affected by him and his stupidity. I'm content to be an observer and watch him dig his own grave.
lol, I think I can make a deduction on who "Petra" is by a few choice words in this post haha
godamn chinese kids always sending their mommies in.. having to listen to that "fairness" shit he spouted every day, if he took the bribe i woulda broken something.
oh well, even if i did have a legit complaint i'm tired of seeing that guy, and probably couldn't force myself to see him again anyway.
indian, chinese, whatever. ASIANS.
haha, i wanted at least a B, my GPA is nowhere near 4.0 and the last thing i needed was another C stuck in my flesh. if he had fixed everything that he was supposed to, i would end up with an 85, so it's okay that i got a B.
obviously i'm not happy with bowen, and i think i got ripped on my APs, but i think i did well on the bio SAT
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