June 22, 2008


The original post has been removed as of August 2010. I've removed all 34 posts detailing my escapades at Stanford Summer College. Let's just say I wrote some not-so-nice things about certain people, and I'd rather not have those things come back to haunt me.

But if you're a longtime reader and happened to love that ridiculous series -- they're all sitting as drafts in my blogger account. You can breathe easy.


Anonymous said...

You shouldn't worry if the conversations grow too deep and revealing for your liking, unless this Obsidian dude is a shady lunatic and plans on blackmailing you later on. There are individuals out there who just happen to be on the same wavelength as you, or people who you just feel comfortable disclosing things to (hell knows I've told Andromeda Yossarian a bunch of stuff).
Don't feel too self-conscious, and try not to self-examine every move you've made so far. Judging from your character, I highly doubt that you've said anything potentially scandalous to him.
Hmm, though you may detest shallow tête-à-têtes, a formulaic conversation starter is better than a grand opener about one's passion for garbage (in my humble opinion).

Anonymous said...

wow that was a really long and garrulous comment. sorry dude

- said...

What kind of program are you in at Stanford? Hey, that's actually pretty close to home compared to the Berkeley area.