June 14, 2009


As you may have noticed, my updates on this blog have been more sparse than usual.

I don't know why. I'm a little confused about myself at the moment. It is really complicated.

Let's put it this way. Does it make sense for somebody to talk about personal things on a website where anybody can read it? Does it make sense for a person to not say anything to friends and family when something is bothering her, and instead she vomits it cryptically all over the Internet?

I graduated from high school three days ago, and already it feels like it's been three years. I have no sense of purpose. Sometime in the past year, I lost everything. I lost my work ethic and my well-roundedness -- two things I once prided myself in. I don't write, I don't play piano, I don't play tennis. I sit in front of the computer all day doing nothing.

I don't know why I am avoiding everything either. I'm not sure if I'm burned out -- because that wouldn't explain why I avoid writing now. I haven't been blogging because for the first time in a long time, I am at a loss for words. When I used to write on this blog, I'd write because I would feel something. Whether it was despair or hope, there was something there that made me feel alive. And now, I feel like the life has been extinguished from me. I don't feel sadness or even anger. I just feel empty.

I've been thinking about this for the last few days now. I've come to the conclusion that the only way I can find myself again is if I force myself to sit down and write. Write anything. I don't even care if it's a stupid children's book about cute bunnies and puppies. I need to do something productive so I don't feel like a dormant sack of hydrocarbons.

Therefore, it may be a while before I return to this blog. I will post at least once before I leave for the motherland in July, but I don't expect to post semi-daily like I used to. There is too much weight in this blog. I don't want to forget, but I need to learn how to forgive myself for what I've done.

1 comment:

Frank said...

mm, i kinda feel the same way. i think it's that we're so used to having a routine spoon fed to us in periods and semesters, and all that's been breaking down over the last few months. life's not going to find you during the summer, so you have to go out of your way to make sure summer stays productive... just don't end up wasting an entire 3 months playing elder scrolls oblivion, letting your hair grow so long you could put it in your mouth. not attractive =/