October 11, 2009

Pulse 2

I want to tell you what needs to be said. But my tongue feels severed.

I can't believe it's already halfway into the semester. Our midterm grades were posted on Friday. Let's just say... my grades could be better. I feel like I've given myself additional stress with my pre-med plans; many of my peers are happy just to be passing their classes. But after my bad case of senioritis, I've learned that I will regret it if I don't immerse myself in work.

So basically, I am a workaholic.

I'm starting to realize just how much of a party school Duke is. At first, I thought all colleges were like this, but now I'm beginning to hear about what it's like at other schools. It is so easy to find parties here on the weekends. You just have to wander around West Campus and follow the scent of beer. Sometimes, the frats and sororities even post fliers around campus advertising their parties. The school doesn't do much to curb underage drinking either. I hear stories about how you have to "register" your parties with the school at Georgetown, and I can imagine how that system would NEVER work here at Duke.

Still completely sober, for those of you who are wondering. The friends I have been making are not partiers, and so I haven't felt the need to do so. I can live vicariously through my roommate F's regaling of her escapades (most recently: reaching third base with her close guy friend during Fall Break).

Oh my goodness. I am exhausted, and it's not even midnight. Good night, dear friends. I added a random poll for kicks. Feel free to contribute.

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