The dreams keep taking place at the same place -- at a steampunk version of my high school, with stone walls covered in nets of ivy. Some students travel to and from school in horse-drawn coaches, and yet there is still a parking lot packed with cars -- perhaps it's at a point in time when gasoline has become a rare, expensive commodity.
I keep seeing death in these dreams. Every morning, there are cries that more bodies are hanging in the courtyard. Something about how the stress at school got to them, that's why the rumors say. I don't know.
The first night, I dreamt I had to complete an obstacle course akin to the dungeon puzzles in the Zelda video games. I was working alongside S, who was completely decked out in steampunk attire -- top hat, vest, watch-chain, coat. I don't even remember what we were trying to achieve. At one point, we had to climb a flight of stairs inside a stone tower, and at the top we had to shoot arrows at a silver eye switch to unlock a door. As much as I can remember, I woke up before we managed to reach whatever goal we had been striving for.
The second night, I remember the bodies more clearly. I still remember recognizing who was hanging there. It scared the shit out of me. I quickly left the courtyard and headed towards the parking lot with Gov. J. There was a black Mercedes with tinted windows lurking in circles inside the parking lot. It reminded me of a shark. I darted in and out of the rows of cars, trying not to stay within its view. Gov. J didn't do the same. In one quick instant, the car suddenly turned and purposely slammed into her. I couldn't see the driver's face; the headlights were too blinding. I could hear bones breaking. I remember trying to scream but nothing came out.
For now, I will just assume that these dreams are the effect of having watched too many violent films recently. I'd much rather not analyze this too deeply, because otherwise, you'd probably come to the conclusion that there is something very wrong with me. Then again, according to the dream dictionary that G gave me last year, seeing others being hanged is a sign that money is going to be tight for awhile -- which really is no surprise at all.
... yeah. Maybe I should just watch chick flicks from now on.
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