December 15, 2010

Hell Week

I've already had two dreams about going home, and it's the only the third day of finals week. In the first dream, I went home and discovered that my family had bought a new puppy. I played with it for awhile, then glanced at the carry-bag and asked where Matisse was. My mother responded that Matisse had fallen ill, collapsed, and died. It's not the first time I've had this dream, and once again I woke up crying. In the second dream, I went home to discover that my family had gotten incredibly thin and were starving themselves to pay for my college tuition. Soon, I was seriously considering applying to transfer to one of the UCs.

I turned in my first paper yesterday, and crunch time begins tomorrow -- I have exams on Thursday and Friday and a ten-page paper due Saturday that I haven't started. I can't wait to go home.

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