T.O.P.: Patience, young grasshopper. Thou must first master The Photoshoot Pose of Badassery.
Figured it's been a while since my last post about the Badass One and his Extraordinary League of Kickassery.
I don't know if I'm bucking the trend or not, but I greatly enjoy reading translated magazines interviews with Big Bang. Why? These interviews actually reveal a lot of things about the members that you wouldn't necessarily catch otherwise.
For instance, just today I was reading the English translation of a Japanese TV Weekly magazine interview of Big Bang, aka our revered Extraordinary League of Kickassery. In one section of the interview, the interviewers posed three "Date Night" themed questions to each of the members, one of which was:
"The greatest memories you have had at night?"
I don't know about you, but off the top of my head, my greatest memory is curling up on my bed at home on a summer night and drifting off to sleep with the sound of music playing. Oh wait, I've been doing this for the last three weeks. HA-HA!
I'm sure if I had some chick flick worthy story about meeting Prince Charming at a party, then maybe I'll have some juicier memory to share, but I think it's been mentioned several times on here that my life plays to the tune of snore.
But never mind about me. Let's see what the cohorts of Kickassery have to say:
Seungri: In the past, I have watched the sky which was wholly covered with stars. I felt so touched since I had witnessed the beauty of the universe.
Goodness. The maknae is so Romantic. (Capital R for romanticism, but I guess romantic could work too.) Now that I think about it, I definitely have seen a starry night. In fact, my father even woke me up in the wee hours of the night once so that I could see a meteor shower. Yes, it was pretty magnificent. But apparently not touching enough for me to remember off the top of my head....
Taeyang: The episode at night... I don't know... hmm...
Oh sunshine, I understand you completely. It's a well-known fact that you have never had a girl -- you even wrote a song broadcasting your need for a female companion. You and I, we ain't got no vespertine episodes worthy of the title of Greatest Night of All Time.
Daesung: The night that I can go on a tour.
I'm not sure how accurate the translation is for this one. Tour as in a performance tour, or tour as in a travel tour? Probably the first, but what does that even mean? So cryptic. But Daesung -- in light of your recent turmoil, I won't attempt to pry any further.
Okay, so we've got the three singers. (Yah yah, I know GD sings too, but he also raps and composes and writes lyrics and does just about everything. He's like the freaking wild card in Uno.) We've got the lyrically romantic, the truthfully snoozeworthy, and the what-the-heck-does-that-mean. Now let's see what our two rappers have to say...
G-Dragon: No comment! (laugh)
T.O.P.: Hahaha...
blink blink.
And it gets even better. The other date related question that was asked was: "What is your ideal date at night?" Not too surprisingly, you get pretty similar, harmless answers from most of the members. GD wants to take his girl out for a drive. Daesung wants to see the nightview. Taeyang says, Screw you both -- I'll take her out for a drive AND see the nightview. Seungri, meanwhile, just wants a normal date like any other civilian.
Oh, but what about the Badass One?
T.O.P.: Hahaha...
Ho ho ho. Someone's mind is clearly wandering near the gutter...
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