September 28, 2012

Notes to Self

1. In case I can't find this again...

This is my piano pedigree. 

Sophelia Lee --> Sandra Wright Shen --> Ann Schein --> Arthur Rubinstein --> Karl Barth --> Franz Liszt --> Carl Czerny --> Ludwig Van Beethoven --> Joseph Haydn --> CPE Bach --> JS Bach

Alas, I am such a disgrace to this privileged lineage...

2. I promised Gradyl I'd write a book review of Fifty Shades of Grey. Yes, my stupefied friends--not only did I agree to read the book, I managed to finish the whole thing. A flurry of exams and papers are coming my way, so I don't expect to churn anything out anytime soon. Moreover, don't expect me to read the other two books in the trilogy--there's only so much of the insufferable, lip-biting Anastasia Steele and majorly-disturbed Christian Grey that I can take in a lifetime.