I forgot about what it's like to work. Like those moments when you quarantine yourself from the rest of the world with only your books, your pens, and your mp3 player with the skullcandy headphones. My work ethic requires a large activation energy, but once I finally force myself to work, I can sit there and study for hours. On the plus side, I love the good feeling you get when you know you've been productive.
So basically, I take my first test tomorrow. Wish me luck.
I'm taking a break to update my life, for those of you who no longer attend the same school as me. I can't really think of important things, but let's see what's on my mind. And I really shouldn't be doing this, so consider it your present from me.
1. I am currently taking EMT Basic classes in addition to my Duke workload. Yes, I think I'm a little insane. The hours for this class are ridiculously time-consuming. I actually just came back from my 6:00-10:00 pm class about half an hour ago. On the plus side, if I become a certified EMT by the end of this year, at least I know I have job options open.
2. I have two roommates. I have a ton of stories about F, the one who likes to party, but those are stories for a different day. Last week, she managed to hook up (her definition: make-out) with this guy in her Spanish class she'd been keeping her eye on. I have to say, I definitely noticed this guy when I first saw him during O week. I've never found anybody who quite fit the image of Rhys I had in mind -- until I saw this guy. And unsurprisingly, it turns out this guy is a model. I don't know how many shoots he's done or if he's a runway model -- but F and I found out that there definitely are pictures of him on Google. And this guy, as it turns out, is in my EMT class. I have a slight fear of beautiful people -- it's hard to shake off the feeling that they think they're too good for you -- but so far, this guy has been pretty nice. He even complimented my backpack.
3. Speaking of my backpack, I have been getting some attention regarding my backpack. If you didn't know already, this is my backpack, except in a magenta/hot pink sort of hue:

4. The former editor-in-chief decided to take a stab at writing for The Chronicle. Unfortunately, I don't think I plan to stick to this. It sucks being at the bottom of the food chain again, being forced to run around all over the place to track down quotes and interviews. My article is due tomorrow, and I haven't even written it yet. With all the phone-chasing and treks across campus for interviews, I feel I should be paid to do all this work. EMT is taking up enough time already.
5. I love IV!
Alright, ciao darlings.
Yeah I'm unsure of when I'll have time to sit down comfortably and blog now :p Hope your test went well today! And yeah you have a bomb backpack, I need to go and get one next time I'm in taiwan :)
Miss you!
EMT? Thats intense. Should you go that route, you will be witnessing a lot of tragedy. Yes, a lot of fodder for writing dark, gorgeous prose, but a huge tax on the mind and soul. Shout out to the skullcandy. Way to be asian with the pearl milk tea. And I wish you the best of luck on your test <3
wah, what a hectic schedule... i know someone that has that backpack..its really cool, makes you stand out :)
you are quite insane, my dear lol and i love you for it
P.S. *AHEM* CUTE/HOT BOY ALERTTTTT hahahahahahhahahahaha must tell me about him some day ;)
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