September 8, 2009

Studying like a College Student

  1. 7:40 pm - Return to the room after dinner. Upon sitting into desk, is immediately sucked into the black hole known as the Internet
  2. 8:50 pm - Manage to stumble out of the black hole and force self to read William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying for English class inside the walk-in closet because roommate is asleep (so the lights must remain off) and because Facebook is singing like Odysseus' sirens
  3. 9:25 pm - Feeling woozy from the closet's pervasive smell of dirty laundry, decide to trek down four flights of stairs with a week's worth of laundry
  4. 9:30 pm - Wonder why laundry costs aren't included in the horrendous tuition fees; one would think that 50k a year would qualify for private ladies-in-waiting and a personal chef. Continue reading Faulkner on the bench in the laundry room while listening to mp3 player -- doing so guarantees staying awake and feeling productive, for it is all too easy to fall asleep or be distracted while in the room
  5. 10:00 pm - Washing machine chirps to announce completion of the cycle. Wet laundry is loaded into a dryer. Wonder why anyone bothers paying $1.50 to dry clothes when the sun has been shining every single day for free.
  6. 10:30 pm - Despite the discomfort of the bench, sleepiness prevails. Trek back up four flights of stairs. Immediately upon opening the door, the laptop begins to sing like the sirens.
  7. 11:00 pm - Read sparknotes for As I Lay Dying. Find an interesting link at the bottom of one of the pages on the sparknotes website and discover a blogger named Dan who has been blogging/critiquing Twilight and New Moon with biting sarcasm. Almost feels like looking in the mirror and seeing oneself, cynicism and all. (Click here for a snapshot of his post on the first two chapters of Twilight. For the index of "Blogging Twilight" posts, click here. )
  8. 11:40 pm - After retrieving freshly laundered clothes from dryer, log onto Blogger and decide to share with the uninterested public how the last three hours of a college freshman's life has been squandered.


graydyl said...

Hahaa, very nice :p You should replace facebook time with meee!! Although you'd probably spend more time talking than just surfing fb.. so nvm :p

And yeah, I'm annoyed about having to pay for laundry -_- I think I'm going to be doing a lot of handwashing :p. In Taiwan after having to do it so much, I realized that it's not really THAT bad.

Ari said...

hahaha brilliant :P