January 22, 2010


What can go wrong will go wrong.

My laptop now has no wireless internet. My poor crippled laptop suffered a fall from a stupid unstable desk this afternoon and is now ethernet-dependent and confined to the room. Fortunately, I bring an USB with me everywhere and was able to submit my Writing paper on time this evening on a library computer. Unfortunately, I have been hovering over my poor laptop for the whole evening like a worried mother hen. I even took my laptop apart twice (removed my hard drive, keyboard, everything) to make sure the WLAN card wasn't damaged.

To make things more complicated, I ended up ditching the IV Freshmen retreat I paid 20 dollars to attend this evening. My excuse is that I don't think I can survive without wireless internet (pathetic, I know) and that I cannot stay overnight because the tech center at Duke opens at noon on Saturday. But to be honest, I feel like I'm not going because it's one of those days where I just don't want to deal with Christianity and feel like an imposter.

On the plus side, I had a good phone call with Gov. J. Sigh. It's one of those days where I miss high school. I can't believe I just said that.


1 comment:

Ari said...

oh dearrr :( i hope your laptop gets better soonn!

i think we should webchat one day. not really too fond of webchatting, but for youuuuuuu, i will do anything haha :)

love and miss you lotssss <3