January 24, 2010


I am blessed with:

1. Rogue, my kickass MFGST (morbid fairy granny sister... yes, don't ask) who recorded a video on my facebook wall that made my day and who laughs at Hana Yori Dango parodies with me.

2. An awesome friend, E, who spent more than an hour with me in the worship room jamming to Titanic and Disney songs on the piano and violin and scrambled to make a "Marry Me" poster when the boys started belting out Backstreet Boys.

3. Hilarious IV friends who are amazing in so many ways, four of whom provided a very entertaining ride back to campus during which one of the guys laid across the laps of both the driver and the passenger while singing Aladdin's "A Whole New World."

4. Dorm friends who apparently came to look for me while I was out to go out tonight, especially D who listened to me complain this morning and gave me a hug.

5. JW, who is like an older brother to me and has encouraged me and watched out for me this semester thus far. Today wouldn't have turned out this way if he hadn't pushed me to go.

6. Whether God or some deity is out there, for the amazing things that happened today. For repairing my friendship with Hachi; for bringing me to the IV retreat when I thought I'd have to spend the night by myself while my roommates were out at a black party; for my roommate who finally met (and hugged!) the basketball player she has been crushing on all year; for an awesome day.

1 comment:

Ari said...

aw, it makes me happy that you're happy!

love you, s! :) <3