April 15, 2014

Book Report: Dreams of Gods and Monsters

It's been established quite a few times here on this blog that when I fall in love with something, I fall hard. My attachments can become both fierce and long-lasting, and I will snarl at anything that tries smack them down. And when it comes to books especially, I become a full-fledged YAngelical and try to spread my love to everyone I know (i.e. YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK OR YOUR LIFE WILL BE FOREVER INCOMPLETE).

Okay, I don't actually do that. Because I'm generally not the type that tries to impose the things I like onto others, because my tastes can be a wee bit eccentric. But secretly, I am DYING to have someone share my excitement. And unfortunately, none of literary-inclined friends quite have the same tastes as me, so oftentimes my recommendations are left unheeded and thus, I party alone.

Anyways, as mentioned previously, I pre-ordered the third and final book in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy. You know when's the last time I pre-ordered a book? Harry Potter. You know when's the last time I reached that level of excitement about an impending book release? Okay, maybe I was excited about Throne of Glass, but not enough to pre-order the book. No, the answer is Harry Potter. The book finally came yesterday afternoon. I put off reading it until after I came home from dinner and grocery shopping, which put me at around 9 PM. I even commented to my roommate, "Ah, I shouldn't start this book right now," just as I picked up the book and proceeded to sit on the futon.

And yeah, I basically did not move from that spot on the futon until 1:30 am. Which was a REALLY fast speed-read, given the size of that book. I finished it in around five hours and felt like my eyes had turned into lead. Which was really a poor life decision, because I have class on Tuesday mornings before work. And I also, I missed the total eclipse, which I'm not terribly bummed about because it was probably too cloudy to see anything last night. But anyways! Poor life decisions...

...that I don't regret one bit, because THIS BOOK!! This is how you write the final book in a trilogy, everyone. This is how you write an ending that feels bittersweet but whole, in that you're sad to leave this universe behind but you know you're leaving everyone in a good spot.

And normally I dive straight into spoilers and my thoughts on the book, but I'm not doing that here because my YAngelicism is kicking in and I want everyone would go out and read this trilogy without reading any spoilers, because I can't understand why this series is so underrated. Is it because it's not a dystopian? Because it's not a paranormal romance? Because you can't really fit it neatly into a box, because it's so strange and unique?

There might a thread of selfish motive in my proselytizing here, because immediately after I finished the book, I wanted to discuss it with SOMEBODY, but alas I have no friends who have developed such rabid affection for this series as I have. The eternal struggle of my life. Le sigh.

And on a final note, before I end this "report" (cough): ZIRI I LOVE YOUUU!!

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