April 16, 2014

IF I STAY Movie Trailer

I don't think I ever reviewed If I Stay or Where She Went by Gayle Forman on this blog. For the record, those are two of my favorite YA books of all time. And to prove that point--yes, I own physical copies of both books. Bittersweet tragedy? Check. A family story at heart? Check. A high school love that revolves around music, featuring a classical cellist and a rock musician? Check. I didn't cry reading If I Stay, but that one definitely needs to come with a warning label for waterworks.

When I heard they were making a movie based on If I Stay, I didn't have much of a reaction, to be honest. As someone who generally prefers the book version over its film counterpart, I wasn't exactly squealing with joy at the news.

Then, I saw some photo stills from the set and felt strange about the casting of Jamie Blackley as Adam. I'd pictured Adam very differently in my head.

(Note: I have a soft spot for Adam because of Where She Went -- and not because I'm like one of those Team Edward groupies who's madly in love with a fictional character. If you've read Where She Went, you know what I mean.)

Then, I heard about Chloe Grace Moretz's backhanded comments on young adult literature in an If I Stay promotional interview, and I felt rather angry about it.

Then, I watched this trailer and all the negative feelings melted away, and I remembered why I loved the book so damn much. And also, I eat my words about Jamie Blackley, because at the moment when he says "It's too late. I see you" in the trailer, all these feels started bubbling up inside of me because dude, HE IS TOTALLY ADAM AND I JUST WANT TO GIVE HIM A HUG. And also, whenever that "Say Something" song pops up on the car radio, my roommate and I always make fun of it for being so weepy (not a weekend-road-trip-anthem or Monday-grocery-run-song in the slightest), but whoever made this trailer is a freaking artiste, because he/she managed to use this song in a way that not only did not have me rolling my eyes, but it actually made me feel something like sadness.

Anyways, point is -- I love this trailer. I still have my reservations about how this movie is going to turn out, but this trailer is definitely making a strong case for it.

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