January 18, 2015

y u mad bro

I had this dream last night that Graydyl and S were over at my house, catching up like we usually do every winter. I was telling them about how a classmate asked me out, and how nothing has happened since then because neither of us have brought it up despite seeing each other quite a few times in the last two weeks, and how I'm not even sure about what I want in the first place.

Instead of being sympathetic or understanding like I was expecting, Graydyl became FURIOUS while S suddenly burst into tears. Completely flummoxed by their reactions, I asked Graydyl something along the lines of "y u mad bro" to which S responded, wailing through blubbering tears, "But Sophelia.... do you really want to die alone??"

Well, that little comment rankled my fury, and as I turned to snap a retort, Graydyl stood up and stormed out the door. I followed, trying to ask her to stop and talk to me, but she refused to even look in my direction and sped off in her car without another word.

I have no idea what my subconscious is trying to tell me, but holy kleenex batman that was a terrifying dream.

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