January 24, 2009

Garden State Friday

1. In celebration of our pristine, uncorrupted social lives (ie. "party" = playing guitar hero or charades with absolutely no illegal substances or racy escapades), mes amis et moi went out to eat at Aldo's. Seeing how more than half of us almost never go to school dances, we marked yet another school dance (Winter Ball) with a nice outing completely unrelated to school.

2. It was probably a bad idea to wear my plaid stockings with khaki shorts yesterday, because I started feeling very sick sometime around six o'clock. I felt even more sick when Gov. J took off her coat to reveal a tank top. In January! This woman must have ice running in her veins...

3. The gnocchi I ordered was as yummy as I imagined. The only problem was I couldn't stop wondering how much butter and cream I was clogging my arteries with. I ended up eating only 3/4 of the plate and boxed up the rest. Interestingly enough, everyone who ordered pasta either could not finish or felt completely bloated by the end. S and G, both of whom ordered some kind of meat, were still open to the prospect of dessert.

4. One more movie to cross off of my list. Garden State reminded me of Amelie -- a little random but kind of cute, with some deeper philosophy beneath the surface. It even reminded me of Camus' The Stranger at the beginning. Probably not my favorite movie of all time, but it was pretty good.

My favorite scene, hands down:

I liked this scene too:

5. Unfortunately, I had a humongous headache by the end of the movie. I ended up leaving G's house with Gov. J before midnight.

But overall, it was a pretty good night.

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