January 6, 2009

Guilty Pleasure

I have a white-out pen. I don't even remember how long ago I found it, but I would guess it's been at least four years since. Instead of a boring label that says "Wite-Out" or something along those lines, it has a manhwa drawing of a girl and a guy. The girl is smiling, while the guy has his arms around her waist with a protective look on his face. I didn't recognize the drawing style -- I figured it was just some graphic artist's work, and so I drew two red fangs on the guy's face to pair along with his coldly suave eyes.

Today I figured out where the drawing comes from. Mystery solved.

I wouldn't call it an addiction, but I have a certain thing for reading manga and manhwa. There's a negative stereotype associated with that sort of hobby -- think crazy cosplaying otaku who calls himself some fancy Japanese name. I don't know. I have no intention of cosplaying or calling myself Makino Tsukushi or whatever. Sure, Rogue and I probably have an unhealthy habit of admiring drawings of certain characters, but hey. I'm not like the guy who petitioned to marry an anime character, which I think is just plain weird.

I just like reading stories. Period. Reading the novels sitting on my shelf takes a fair amount of time unless I get hooked instantly and can't put the book down. I don't read very much fictionpress stuff anymore because I am constantly annoyed by much of the poorly written unoriginal stories. I read manga/manhwa because if I'm already caught up with the story, whenever a new chapter comes out, it takes me about five minutes to read and then I'm back to work. It's like taking daily vitamins.

I haven't been writing EP much for probably one main reason other than time. There is something else I want to write, and I feel like if I don't capture it now, I will lose it soon. Chick lit is fun to read and write, but sometimes it feels trashy and superficial and fluffy. I have read more than my fair share, and I now tend to avoid anything about sparkling vampires, bitchy head cheerleader ex-girlfriends, childhood-best-friend-turned-hot-jock, etc. Or maybe not. I don't know. I want unpredictability, and if I can spot the plotline from a mile away, chances are I'll quit. And I am rather hypocritical as well, because back when I was a sophomore and started EP, I used just as egregious plot devices.

So basically, today I figured out the drawing was from Goong. Yes, it's very chick lit, but it was entertaining. Now I feel a little bad about drawing the fangs, because even though the guy looked pretty evil on my pen, he was someone I rooted for in the series.
It happens to be a drama too, but I have no intention of watching it. I want to say I prefer most Asian dramas over American ones, but I really can't say because I don't watch much television. But I'd have to say I prefer something like HYD over Gossip Girl. Granted, I haven't really watced GG much. I happened to watch the episode with Bart Bass' funeral, and I have to say some of the lines were just downright hilarious -- unintentionally.

I mean, come on. Can you keep a straight face with this scene? I just know someone out there probably wants to attack me for saying so, but I always crack up when I watch this.

If I sound like I am extolling the virtues of manga and manhwa, don't get me wrong. There are some that make me want to vomit at the corniness. I am a very cynical person, so I tend to be rather dubious of happy endings. I hate stories where the two leads have no good reason not to be together, other than the fact that the author decides to throw in a bunch of love triangles and miscommunication for the sake of conflict and drama. Pisses me off.

No, there has to be a damn good reason, so that I feel any ounce of sympathy. In the case of Goong, the two leads face a tough decision and ultimately sacrifice their happiness for the sake of the royalty. There. Now I actually feel for the characters. Not like in Tokyo Juliet, where the show seemed to introduce a random third-wheel every episode for the sake of stirring some trouble.

Anyways. This was a strange pointless rant. As usual.


Ari said...

omg, bart bass DIES??!! WTFF

...great. haha. how sad though. i was rooting for those two. :(

Ari said...

P.S. i think i harbor a more unhealthy obsession for drawn characters than you xD so at least you're still saner than i am

Chocolate Milk said...

LOL THAT SCENE WAS HORRIBLE. I dont watch gossip girl and don't feel any desire to, but that clip pretty much decided for me that I will never watch GG.

Anonymous said...



AAAGH GOSSIP GIRL (eyes fry and burn)

I remember that pen. Haha, and that time when you took it out during bio and redrew the fangs on because they were fading. or something like that.