Guess who's back?
Back again?
Sophelia's back.
Tell a friend.
Sophelia's back.
Tell a friend.
So it's been more than a week since I last wrote on here. Eight days to be precise. Yes, I finally stuck my nose to the grindstone, or whatever the silly saying is, and updated EP. Personally, it was a rather boring chapter in my opinion, but at least it's taken care of.
So what else have I done in my absence? Other than realize just how addicted I am to blogging, I have discovered many wonders in this world. Allow me to present...
Sophelia's Weekly Five, Edition I
(I think this might become a weekly thing from now on. But we shall see.)
1. Are some people doomed to never get the girl/guy?
Yeah yeah, I know people like to believe that there's a soulmate out there for everybody. But the cynical side of me has the feeling that there's always going to be somebody who for whatever reason keeps watching them get away. Is it because they have a horrible personality? Or because they just look like one?
Why did I suddenly start thinking about this? Well, I watched The Notebook for the first time last Saturday night. It's not a bad movie, I'll at least give it that. But guess who I saw?

Why, it's Lon Hammond Jr! The poor dashing Southern aristocrat who gets dumped for a farm boy! But wait a second... doesn't he look a little familiar?
Hold on a second. How come in every movie I've seen with James Marsden in it, HE NEVER GETS THE GIRL? He's not ugly. It's not like a girl would wake up one morning and scream at the sight of his face. Granted, I haven't watched very many movies, but don't you think three movies is kinda telling? In the first place, the only reason Lon probably lost out to Noah was a case of bad timing. Hey, if Noah's picture had never made the newspaper, who knows what would have happened?
Oh, and don't bother trying to argue that Richard White gets the girl (aka Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane) in Superman Returns. Richard White's story is even more sad than Lon Hammond's. Think about. You're engaged to a girl who's still in love with a freaking alien! And not just any tentacled slimy thing. This is Superman, the guy whose hair remains curled even after he nearly drowns in the ocean! And just how the heck are you supposed live up to the expectations of your alien-human-hybrid stepson?
Anyways. If it weren't for the fact that James Marsden is in real life happily married with two children, he probably would have achieved idol status among the rest of us who spend Valentine's drowning out the sorrows of a single lifestyle with a pint of Ben & Jerry's and television reruns.
2. What's the appropriate age difference for sharing a kiss?
As you'll probably discover, I've spent a lot of my time recently catching up on movies. So what's the next film in line? NO. IT CAN'T BE!!

Yes, I admit. I watched Another Cinderella Story last night on ABC Family. About two hours of cheesy goodness. Forget about Cheez-its. This is "The Big Cheese."
Now, I don't know if you have heard (because it didn't even occur to me until I started reading comments on Youtube videos), but apparently there have been people protesting the age difference between Selena Gomez and Drew Seeley. Because supposedly, Selena Gomez is sixteen and Drew Seeley is twenty-six.
Wait a second. What the hell is the problem? Does Drew Seeley even look any older than twenty-five to you? This guy filled in for Zac Efron in all those High School Musical live performances... and Efron's what, twenty-one? If Seeley is believable as a high school champion basketball player (cue long loud laugh), wouldn't he be ten times more believable as a young showbiz star who can sing and dance?
Oh, I see. People are getting all squeamish because Gomez and Seeley share a kiss at the end of the movie. You can hardly even call it a kiss, since the camera immediately pans over to another side of the stage the instant their lips connect.
So what's the appropriate age difference for kissing? The way I see it, age doesn't matter until I start wincing and have to fight the urge to burrow my head into a pillow. I mean really, why are people making a commotion about a ten year age difference that probably looks only half that amount? What about the lip lock between Ben Kingsley (then aged 63) and Mary-Kate Olsen (then aged 21) in The Wackness? Or how about Sienna Miller (then aged 26) and Steve Buscemi (then aged 50, but looked at least 60) in Interview? Pick your battles, people.
Well, maybe I'm so unbothered by the pairing of Selena and Drew because I loved this scene:
3. Is this what it feels like if you're sitting in a movie theater and suddenly realize that somebody made a movie about your life... and they don't even know you?
So once upon a time, there was a girl named Sophelia. Long story short, she wrote a blog with the half-hearted hope of having the right person stumbling upon her posts. Well, just a week ago she shut the book cover to that story and effectively ended all hope of having her half-hearted dream come true.
Coincidentally, she decided to look at J'nette's blogroll, and guess what she found? A blog titled I Wrote This For You with a title description below stating, "I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads this, doesn't get it. They may think they get it, but they don't. This is the sign you've been looking for. You were meant to read these words."
First she stared. Then she reread again just to make sure she hadn't been hallucinating. Then she read the posts. Reading them made her feel a little happy and sad at the same time -- happy because each post was so succinctly beautiful, sad because she felt completely inferior to the genius author who had basically described her Internet life with 567 posts.
Seriously, go check it out. It is amazing.
4. Episode 1 of Dr. Subconscience
So as I have mentioned before, G bought me an illustrated dream dictionary for Christmas, probably so I would stop harrassing her with all my crazy accounts of my morbid subconscious storytelling. Well, as an experiment, today I will divulge the latest morbid installment from Sophelia's subconscience and then analyze it with my handy dandy dictionary. It's showtime!
Dr. Subconscience: Allo everyun! Velcome to my show! So, Sopheliah, tell me. Vat new un crazy dream do you have for me today?
Sophelia: I can only remember parts of it, but I remember I was hiding in a small cramped shack in the shady part of some downtown area. A group of us were trying to escape from some evil group -- I don't even remember why we were running away from them, but all I know is that they were the bad guys. I was hiding under a wooden bench with another guy dressed up in a strange orange Big Bird costume, when two of the bad guys came in and caught us hiding under the bench. They forced us out and one of them had to hold Big Bird down. The other had to report to their headquarters about the catch, but that meant he could no longer hold me down.
So as as soon as I had the opportunity, I bolted out of the shack and into another building not too far from the shack. I knew instinctively that somebody was chasing me, but I didn't dare look back. I darted into random doors everywhere, somehow managing to make it to the top floor. There, strangely enough, was a gift shop with a view of the city, selling regular tourist junk and some stuffed animals. The clerk, who was apparently on our side, told me I would be safe here for awhile. Eventually, G, Gov. J, C, S, J, and Rogue somehow managed to meet up with me at the gift shop, and they quickly informed me that a team of the bad guys were getting very close to our location. The clerk pointed at a hallway near the gift shop and told us we should be fine if we hide in the very last room down the hall.
So my friends and I hid inside what turned out to be an extremely messy bedroom. I guess we thought we were safe because whenever we played hide-and-seek when we were young, the parents' bedrooms were always off-limits. Anyways, so we could barely find a place to hide when the door busted open and a team of twelve-year-old boys leapt into the room and started yelling out threats while waving their tiny guns around. Alas, they were too stupid to simply lift off the bedsheet and find all seven of us hiding underneath, so as soon as we heard their feral cries echoing down the hall, we snuck out of the room and darted to the next room, which turned out to be a giant aquatics center. Only it felt more like an empty aquarium than an aquatics center. We leapt into the drained water polo pool, which literally was just a gigantic empty aquarium. Thinking nobody was going to find us there, we sat inside and tried coming up with escape plans.
But for some strange reason, our location had been discovered again, and we heard the thundering noises of the bad guys as they stampeded up the stairs to the highest floor of our building. Thinking fast, we built a human pyramid so that I could reach the window right above us. I pulled down the window but soon realized that none of us would be able to fit through the frame. So instead, I forced the window to open upwards and then ripped apart the window screen with my hands and teeth. Yeah, it hurt my teeth. For some reason, the water polo players had left some towels and pieces of cloth in the "pool", so my friends and I each grabbed a cloth and leapt out of the building as if we were using parachutes. For some strange reason, we were still be able to drift downwards like dandelion seeds despite the fact that gliding down with such dinky pieces of cloth would have been aerodynamically impossible.
And I don't remember very much after that, only that thanks to our stunning escape from the water polo pool, we were able to avoid the bad guys and continue running away.
Dr. Subconscience: Vell, Sopheliah. Good news: a comfortable old age is forecast for you if you are chased in a dream. The fact that your dream took place in a big city shows you have big ideals. The old dilapidated building -- the shack -- is a sign to start saving for the rainy days ahead, and the color orange you saw at the beginning of your dream is an omen of unusually great success. The strange bedroom is a sign of a change for the better. The toothache you developed after ripping apart the screen with your teeth suggests that you are not happy about a certain situation. Freefalling with the parachute, since it vas used successfully in your dream, is a sign that your love life will run smoothly. Seeing others falling is also a sign that you can count on promotion at work. Oh, and those boys you saw chasing you with guns? It's a sure sign that you're not really in love with your partner.
Sophelia: ... But this is all so vague. All you've told me is that I'm not happy with my current situation, and good times are coming soon, but I have to make sure to save for a rainy day? And how is my love life supposed to be running smoothly if I'm not really in love with my non-existent partner to begin with?
Dr. Subconscience: Ah, only the future can tell. Go to sleep and come visit me again tomorrow.
5. Anyone else have the urge to watch the "classic" Star Wars episodes (IV, V, VI)?
I happened to watch Episode IV and half of Episode V on the television last week. I was probably way too young the last time I watched them, because I felt as if I had never watched the films before in my life. Personally, Han Solo beats Luke Skywalker any day in my book. Harrison Ford was fiiiinne back in the day. I'm not surprised Harrison Ford become a superstar and now hardly anybody knows who Mark Hamill is.

Seriously. If he didn't end up with Leia at the end of the trilogy, I probably would have destroyed something.
And as a parting note, I have included two last Youtube clips of the lovely Leia and Han pairing. Haha they crack me up.
And that's all for Sophelia's Weekly Five, Edition I!
(I think this might become a weekly thing from now on. But we shall see.)
1. Are some people doomed to never get the girl/guy?
Yeah yeah, I know people like to believe that there's a soulmate out there for everybody. But the cynical side of me has the feeling that there's always going to be somebody who for whatever reason keeps watching them get away. Is it because they have a horrible personality? Or because they just look like one?
Why did I suddenly start thinking about this? Well, I watched The Notebook for the first time last Saturday night. It's not a bad movie, I'll at least give it that. But guess who I saw?

Why, it's Lon Hammond Jr! The poor dashing Southern aristocrat who gets dumped for a farm boy! But wait a second... doesn't he look a little familiar?
Hold on a second. How come in every movie I've seen with James Marsden in it, HE NEVER GETS THE GIRL? He's not ugly. It's not like a girl would wake up one morning and scream at the sight of his face. Granted, I haven't watched very many movies, but don't you think three movies is kinda telling? In the first place, the only reason Lon probably lost out to Noah was a case of bad timing. Hey, if Noah's picture had never made the newspaper, who knows what would have happened?
Oh, and don't bother trying to argue that Richard White gets the girl (aka Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane) in Superman Returns. Richard White's story is even more sad than Lon Hammond's. Think about. You're engaged to a girl who's still in love with a freaking alien! And not just any tentacled slimy thing. This is Superman, the guy whose hair remains curled even after he nearly drowns in the ocean! And just how the heck are you supposed live up to the expectations of your alien-human-hybrid stepson?
Anyways. If it weren't for the fact that James Marsden is in real life happily married with two children, he probably would have achieved idol status among the rest of us who spend Valentine's drowning out the sorrows of a single lifestyle with a pint of Ben & Jerry's and television reruns.
2. What's the appropriate age difference for sharing a kiss?
As you'll probably discover, I've spent a lot of my time recently catching up on movies. So what's the next film in line? NO. IT CAN'T BE!!

Yes, I admit. I watched Another Cinderella Story last night on ABC Family. About two hours of cheesy goodness. Forget about Cheez-its. This is "The Big Cheese."
Now, I don't know if you have heard (because it didn't even occur to me until I started reading comments on Youtube videos), but apparently there have been people protesting the age difference between Selena Gomez and Drew Seeley. Because supposedly, Selena Gomez is sixteen and Drew Seeley is twenty-six.
Wait a second. What the hell is the problem? Does Drew Seeley even look any older than twenty-five to you? This guy filled in for Zac Efron in all those High School Musical live performances... and Efron's what, twenty-one? If Seeley is believable as a high school champion basketball player (cue long loud laugh), wouldn't he be ten times more believable as a young showbiz star who can sing and dance?
Oh, I see. People are getting all squeamish because Gomez and Seeley share a kiss at the end of the movie. You can hardly even call it a kiss, since the camera immediately pans over to another side of the stage the instant their lips connect.
So what's the appropriate age difference for kissing? The way I see it, age doesn't matter until I start wincing and have to fight the urge to burrow my head into a pillow. I mean really, why are people making a commotion about a ten year age difference that probably looks only half that amount? What about the lip lock between Ben Kingsley (then aged 63) and Mary-Kate Olsen (then aged 21) in The Wackness? Or how about Sienna Miller (then aged 26) and Steve Buscemi (then aged 50, but looked at least 60) in Interview? Pick your battles, people.
Well, maybe I'm so unbothered by the pairing of Selena and Drew because I loved this scene:
3. Is this what it feels like if you're sitting in a movie theater and suddenly realize that somebody made a movie about your life... and they don't even know you?
So once upon a time, there was a girl named Sophelia. Long story short, she wrote a blog with the half-hearted hope of having the right person stumbling upon her posts. Well, just a week ago she shut the book cover to that story and effectively ended all hope of having her half-hearted dream come true.
Coincidentally, she decided to look at J'nette's blogroll, and guess what she found? A blog titled I Wrote This For You with a title description below stating, "I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads this, doesn't get it. They may think they get it, but they don't. This is the sign you've been looking for. You were meant to read these words."
First she stared. Then she reread again just to make sure she hadn't been hallucinating. Then she read the posts. Reading them made her feel a little happy and sad at the same time -- happy because each post was so succinctly beautiful, sad because she felt completely inferior to the genius author who had basically described her Internet life with 567 posts.
Seriously, go check it out. It is amazing.
4. Episode 1 of Dr. Subconscience
So as I have mentioned before, G bought me an illustrated dream dictionary for Christmas, probably so I would stop harrassing her with all my crazy accounts of my morbid subconscious storytelling. Well, as an experiment, today I will divulge the latest morbid installment from Sophelia's subconscience and then analyze it with my handy dandy dictionary. It's showtime!
Dr. Subconscience: Allo everyun! Velcome to my show! So, Sopheliah, tell me. Vat new un crazy dream do you have for me today?
Sophelia: I can only remember parts of it, but I remember I was hiding in a small cramped shack in the shady part of some downtown area. A group of us were trying to escape from some evil group -- I don't even remember why we were running away from them, but all I know is that they were the bad guys. I was hiding under a wooden bench with another guy dressed up in a strange orange Big Bird costume, when two of the bad guys came in and caught us hiding under the bench. They forced us out and one of them had to hold Big Bird down. The other had to report to their headquarters about the catch, but that meant he could no longer hold me down.
So as as soon as I had the opportunity, I bolted out of the shack and into another building not too far from the shack. I knew instinctively that somebody was chasing me, but I didn't dare look back. I darted into random doors everywhere, somehow managing to make it to the top floor. There, strangely enough, was a gift shop with a view of the city, selling regular tourist junk and some stuffed animals. The clerk, who was apparently on our side, told me I would be safe here for awhile. Eventually, G, Gov. J, C, S, J, and Rogue somehow managed to meet up with me at the gift shop, and they quickly informed me that a team of the bad guys were getting very close to our location. The clerk pointed at a hallway near the gift shop and told us we should be fine if we hide in the very last room down the hall.
So my friends and I hid inside what turned out to be an extremely messy bedroom. I guess we thought we were safe because whenever we played hide-and-seek when we were young, the parents' bedrooms were always off-limits. Anyways, so we could barely find a place to hide when the door busted open and a team of twelve-year-old boys leapt into the room and started yelling out threats while waving their tiny guns around. Alas, they were too stupid to simply lift off the bedsheet and find all seven of us hiding underneath, so as soon as we heard their feral cries echoing down the hall, we snuck out of the room and darted to the next room, which turned out to be a giant aquatics center. Only it felt more like an empty aquarium than an aquatics center. We leapt into the drained water polo pool, which literally was just a gigantic empty aquarium. Thinking nobody was going to find us there, we sat inside and tried coming up with escape plans.
But for some strange reason, our location had been discovered again, and we heard the thundering noises of the bad guys as they stampeded up the stairs to the highest floor of our building. Thinking fast, we built a human pyramid so that I could reach the window right above us. I pulled down the window but soon realized that none of us would be able to fit through the frame. So instead, I forced the window to open upwards and then ripped apart the window screen with my hands and teeth. Yeah, it hurt my teeth. For some reason, the water polo players had left some towels and pieces of cloth in the "pool", so my friends and I each grabbed a cloth and leapt out of the building as if we were using parachutes. For some strange reason, we were still be able to drift downwards like dandelion seeds despite the fact that gliding down with such dinky pieces of cloth would have been aerodynamically impossible.
And I don't remember very much after that, only that thanks to our stunning escape from the water polo pool, we were able to avoid the bad guys and continue running away.
Dr. Subconscience: Vell, Sopheliah. Good news: a comfortable old age is forecast for you if you are chased in a dream. The fact that your dream took place in a big city shows you have big ideals. The old dilapidated building -- the shack -- is a sign to start saving for the rainy days ahead, and the color orange you saw at the beginning of your dream is an omen of unusually great success. The strange bedroom is a sign of a change for the better. The toothache you developed after ripping apart the screen with your teeth suggests that you are not happy about a certain situation. Freefalling with the parachute, since it vas used successfully in your dream, is a sign that your love life will run smoothly. Seeing others falling is also a sign that you can count on promotion at work. Oh, and those boys you saw chasing you with guns? It's a sure sign that you're not really in love with your partner.
Sophelia: ... But this is all so vague. All you've told me is that I'm not happy with my current situation, and good times are coming soon, but I have to make sure to save for a rainy day? And how is my love life supposed to be running smoothly if I'm not really in love with my non-existent partner to begin with?
Dr. Subconscience: Ah, only the future can tell. Go to sleep and come visit me again tomorrow.
5. Anyone else have the urge to watch the "classic" Star Wars episodes (IV, V, VI)?
I happened to watch Episode IV and half of Episode V on the television last week. I was probably way too young the last time I watched them, because I felt as if I had never watched the films before in my life. Personally, Han Solo beats Luke Skywalker any day in my book. Harrison Ford was fiiiinne back in the day. I'm not surprised Harrison Ford become a superstar and now hardly anybody knows who Mark Hamill is.

Seriously. If he didn't end up with Leia at the end of the trilogy, I probably would have destroyed something.
And as a parting note, I have included two last Youtube clips of the lovely Leia and Han pairing. Haha they crack me up.
And that's all for Sophelia's Weekly Five, Edition I!
1 comment:
Haha, you forgot x-men, too. he pretty much loses Jean to Wolverine. poor guy.
in another cinderella story, i only liked the scene where the two are dancing in front of the mirror/window. i thought that was cool.
sorry, not much of a harrison ford fan. hayden christensen, on the other hand...yummm ;9
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