March 21, 2009


The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Michael Steele's Rap Battle Response
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorMark Sanford

For your enjoyment. And I want a pinstriped hoodie too.

So at around 12:30 yesterday afternoon, I had my wisdom teeth pulled out. I had four teeth pulled out before I got braces and had stitches in my gum before, so I would consider myself an oral surgery veteran. Nevertheless, I was completely dreading the appointment, because as my fellow veterans may know, the part when the anesthesia wears off is NOT something you'd ever want to go through again -- and unfortunately, now I've gone through it three times.

I was actually looking forward to getting laughing gas, but unfortunately they did not give me any. The dental assistant told me I could listen to my MP3 player to help put me at ease -- which in retrospect was completely bullshit, because I couldn't hear anything once the dentist started drilling through the bone in my jaw. Obviously, the process itself did not hurt -- the worst part is when the anesthesia wears off.

And so I spent the rest of the day lying down on the couch, sleeping on and off with my face pressed against an ice pack and watching TV. I have to say, watching TV makes me very impatient -- there is nothing good on in the afternoon and the commercial for Venus razors made me want to throw something at the TV. And so I ended up watching Lord of the RIngs: Return of the King and Emma. I felt like throwing things at the TV again when I was watching Emma -- Jane Austen has the extraordinary ability to create characters I want to slap and scream at.

On the plus side, I ate very little last night. I had soup and porridge, but it was really uncomfortable eating anything remotely warm. Hopefully I'll lose some weight. Strangely enough, I had a dream last night that I went to a potluck and started gorging on brownies, Chex Mex, egg rolls and jello. Very telling.

Today, I am feeling much better. However, now my face resembles this:

Pardon my crudely drawn self-portrait -- WIndows Paint sucks, and for some reason Adobe Photoshop is not installed on my laptop...

Sigh... it's going to be a long week.

1 comment:

Ari said...

haha feel better soonnnnn