May 11, 2009


X: Si vous saviez que votre compagnon ne veut pas sortir avec vous, est-ce que vous voudriez sortir encore avec lui?
O: Si je le veux, si je sais que je veux cela tellement -- oui, bien sur.

La question est stupide. La reponse est ridiculement simple. Je suis folle.

Aujourd'hui, c'est le deuxieme fois. Je n'apprends jamais.



I am:
- chronically depressed
- pissed
- angry
- and irritated at a certain person who has tormented me to no end
- stressed out by the bullshit that was suddenly dumped on me this afternoon
- disgusted by the superficiality of a certain group of people
- ugly
- fat
- questioning the concept of beauty
- apathetic towards AP Chemistry
- sad
- bitter
- and disappointed that a certain person has chosen to hang out with others over spending the evening with the people who have been by this person's side for nearly their entire lives thus far (and I've been by this person's side for nine years)
- sick of this
- sick of the world
- a pathological liar


everything i've said is a lie
but everything i've written is true.


Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness. "

"I love French wine, like I love the French language. I have sampled every language, French is my favorite. Fantastic language. Especially to curse with. Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculé de ta mère. It's like wiping your arse with silk. I love it. "

-- Matrix Reloaded (terrible film, great quotes)

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