Sophelia's Weekly Five, Edition III
1. The Health-Nut Strikes Back
I've already used this picture before on a previous blog post, but I think this is pretty applicable to what I'm about to say.
I miss the good old days when I could eat anything and everything I wanted, and none of it would culminate around my waist in a halo of fat. I am probably the least-picky person I know -- fortunately for me, the only things I do not like to eat are either expensive delicacies like sea cucumbers and sea urchins (totally not worth the money) or extremely sweet foods (I do not like whipped cream, birthday cake, or anything overloaded with sugar). Fortunately, when I was young I burned off nearly everything, due to the fact that I played tennis for two and a half hours per day, seven days a week.
Furthermore, I can eat incredibly fast. When we were eating Togo's sandwiches at Rogue's house last winter for her birthday, I finished my sandwich faster than S -- who happens to be a six-foot tall guy. Eating fast is an incredibly bad habit to have -- you don't realize you've stuffed your stomach until it's too late. Fortunately, my stomach has shrunk a great deal since the days when I would gorge myself on food -- but on the flip side, I haven't been exercising.
Anyways, I had a doctor's appointment last Wednesday. Apparently here are the things I'm doing wrong:
- Not Enough Sleep: When she asked me how much sleep I usually get, I responded honestly that I sleep five hours on the average weekday. Apparently, I'm only getting half of the required amount for teenagers, who are supposed to get nine to ten hours a night. Um, hello? Can you tell that to my teachers? I have to get up at 6 a.m. by the latest in order to make it to zero period on time. That means I'd have to go to sleep at 9 p.m. -- which happens to be about the time when I start eating dinner.
- Not Enough Fruit & Vegetables: I actually thought I was doing okay regarding fruit. Our house is filled with fruit from the farmer's market. I always have fruit with my lunch, and I usually eat more when I return home from school and again after dinner. Apparently that's not enough. I'm only getting three servings out of the expected five. Right... when am I supposed to eat the other two servings? Sometime during my nine-hour sleep?
- Not Enough Exercise: I admit, I cannot disagree with this one. Before yesterday, I hadn't touched my tennis racket in over two weeks. Which leads me to my next topic...
I miss the good old days when I could eat anything and everything I wanted, and none of it would culminate around my waist in a halo of fat. I am probably the least-picky person I know -- fortunately for me, the only things I do not like to eat are either expensive delicacies like sea cucumbers and sea urchins (totally not worth the money) or extremely sweet foods (I do not like whipped cream, birthday cake, or anything overloaded with sugar). Fortunately, when I was young I burned off nearly everything, due to the fact that I played tennis for two and a half hours per day, seven days a week.
Furthermore, I can eat incredibly fast. When we were eating Togo's sandwiches at Rogue's house last winter for her birthday, I finished my sandwich faster than S -- who happens to be a six-foot tall guy. Eating fast is an incredibly bad habit to have -- you don't realize you've stuffed your stomach until it's too late. Fortunately, my stomach has shrunk a great deal since the days when I would gorge myself on food -- but on the flip side, I haven't been exercising.
Anyways, I had a doctor's appointment last Wednesday. Apparently here are the things I'm doing wrong:
- Not Enough Sleep: When she asked me how much sleep I usually get, I responded honestly that I sleep five hours on the average weekday. Apparently, I'm only getting half of the required amount for teenagers, who are supposed to get nine to ten hours a night. Um, hello? Can you tell that to my teachers? I have to get up at 6 a.m. by the latest in order to make it to zero period on time. That means I'd have to go to sleep at 9 p.m. -- which happens to be about the time when I start eating dinner.
- Not Enough Fruit & Vegetables: I actually thought I was doing okay regarding fruit. Our house is filled with fruit from the farmer's market. I always have fruit with my lunch, and I usually eat more when I return home from school and again after dinner. Apparently that's not enough. I'm only getting three servings out of the expected five. Right... when am I supposed to eat the other two servings? Sometime during my nine-hour sleep?
- Not Enough Exercise: I admit, I cannot disagree with this one. Before yesterday, I hadn't touched my tennis racket in over two weeks. Which leads me to my next topic...
2. Why I am Never Flying a Kite Again

Now, you may picture your friend letting go of the kite.
Perhaps a bout of insanity overcame Gov. J, or perhaps she was simply tired -- she ambled idly after the kite as it jumped and bounced wildly across the field, towards the street, smacking into a parked car before landing onto the roof of a nearby house. G and I, however, were screaming frantically, "RUN! GO GET IT!"
It was too late by the time we caught up. All we could see was the string of the kite hanging off of the second-story roof, with the end of the string dangling in the driveway. Parts of the string were snagged on the roof -- no matter how much we pulled, the string would not move. Time of death for the kite? 4:44:44.
The amiable neighbor of the house, who wore a black cowboy hat, decided to help us out. His attempts to loosen the line failed, but we greatly appreciated his help. He left with the promise that he'd try again when he returned home. But not wanting to simply rely on others, the three of us returned to my house, dropped off my dog, and came back to the site of the accident with an extendable branch-cutter. Ironically, Gov. J, who was the tallest, was the weakest one who could not hold onto the towering branch-cutter for too long. G, the shortest, turned out to be the one with absolutely no fear of heights. We took turns giving directions and managed to unsnag the line from several shingles of the roof except for the one at the roof's peak. Gov. J rang the doorbell, and the owner of the house, who did not even bother coming out to help, reported that there was no sign of the kite in their backyard.
Thinking something was weird, I decided to go visit the house behind them. As it turned out, the house in the back belonged to some family friends, the K family -- and the kite had landed on THEIR roof, with the string suspended all the way across two houses. Gov. J, the genius going off to Harvard in the fall, suggested cutting the string on their side, and then the three of us should able to retrieve the kite from the top of the K family's one-story house. I dashed home and returned with a ladder. Using the branch-cutter, I was able to pull all of the string off of the two-story roof and retrieve most of the string off of the K family's roof.
With Gov. J holding onto the ladder for support, G climbed onto the highest step of the ladder (which you are instructed NOT to do on the ladder's warning label) and used the branch-cutter to cut the string from the kite. It was nearly 7 p.m. by the time we got the kite off the roof and started untangling the three pieces of string.
Not exactly the best turn of events, but G, Gov. J and I agreed the experience was a lot of fun. I could probably spew the saccharine reflections about how getting the kite off of the roof allowed us to bond and utilize all of our best abilities -- Gov. J's brain, G's fearlessness, my I-don't-know-what -- but I think you get the point.
3. And Yet Another Exhausting Day

Friday was the Math and Science day at the local amusement park. Thus, the AP Stats, AP Physics, and Math Club students from my school spent the entire day riding on roller coasters. I am not really afraid of rolller coasters -- I just don't get the same adrenaline rush that G seems to get high off of. Towards the afternoon, I started getting a headache, since I obviously do not get my head shaken around violently on a day-to-day basis. As it just so happens, I sat out when my friends wanted to ride on Flight Deck again, even though the park had techinically closed thirty minutes ago. As it turned out, the second time they went on, the ride creaked up the initial slope and then suddenly stopped, leaving S, C, and G dangling in their seats at an approximately sixty degree incline.
It only lasted for ten minutes, but it was pretty funny. My runaway imagination was coming up with all sorts of ideas, but I think I'll let you think of them on your own.
4. Eternal Sunshine in the Prom-inflicted Mind
Yes, I will admit that I have been dutifully ignoring the Senior Ball drama and refraining from blogging about it.
For awhile, I was considering not even going at all. The reason? I assumed I would most likely end up going stag again, but this year, I'm not quite so comfortable with that idea. Why? Because all of my friends (excluding S, who doesn't count) have all paired off with their romantic interests, thus making me the triple third wheel. Because Gov. J is stubbornly refusing to go for reasons I do not comprehend. Because of another reason I do not want to reveal on this blog.
Anyways. I agonized over the decision for a long time, until my mother neatly resolved the issue Friday night. When I came home exhausted from the long day, she showed me pictures of the dresses she had looked up. Upon seeing how excitedly my mother was looking at dresses online and in the fashion magazines, I realized the least I could do for my mother was let her doll me up for the last formal dance of my high school career.
Those close to me probably know that my father is an E-bay nut. He knows all the tricks and whatnot. Occassionally, I browse around just to look around -- I don't have an account, and I have never asked my father to bid anything for me. On a whim, I decided to look at designer dresses on Friday night. I looked at my two of my favorites: Vivienne Westwood and Marchesa. I found this:
All of my measurements fit, except for one -- my waist. My body type is more boyish than hourglass, and thus I do not have the waist for this kind of dress. For awhile, I toyed with the idea of buying the dress as an investment -- if I didn't fit, whatever; in a few decades, I could sell it as vintage clothing. In the end, the dress ended up selling for $313.67.
My mother ended up taking me out shopping yesterday. Shopping with my mom = visiting discount stores like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Nordstrom Rack, and Loehmann's. My family is rather frugal, in case you haven't noticed. For Junior Prom last year, I spent approximately $30 on a dress I found at TJ Maxx. This year, I spent even less than that.

5. But I Haven't Been Goofing Off This Entire Time...

I had actually heard of this movie before -- I knew about its spliced storyline technique, and I had planned on watching it anyway, because I want to try that technique for the novella I intend on writing at some point in my life. The film splices a storyline into two halves. The first half runs chronologically in black and white, while the other is cut into sections that go in reverse chronological order. At the end of the movie, the two halves meet and black-and-white becomes color.
I have to say, I was only interested in the movie in order to figure out how the spliced storyline technique was used. To be honest, if the storyline of Memento had gone in chronological order, I think the movie would have put me to sleep. I think this is the type of movie you can only watch twice -- once to experience the suspense, twice to grasp a better understanding of what you didn't catch the first time around.
Regarding the novella I mentioned -- I've been toying with the idea in my head for almost half a year now, but it's still in the process of brainstorming. At this point, I don't know if I am mentally or emotionally mature enough to tackle the project; on the surface, it sounds like EP -- featuring another pair of rock stars with a twisted love story. But it actually deals with a lot of existentialism and questions about unrequited love/death/art. Furthermore, I doubt I am skillful enough to reach the level I want with this story. It features three parts, and each part uses a different technique -- stream-of-conscience, surrealism/unreliable narrator, spliced storyline. I've limited it to focus on only two main characters -- and only one of them will actually appear in the entire story. This is a dark story with no happy ending, and it's going to be very tough to handle.
Therefore, I've decided I won't even dare start writing this until I'm in college. Back to work on EP!
that was fun to read :)
but i gotta get my ass off the computer and do something else, 'cause my eyes are dying from reading that hahahaha
in response to your comment..:
no and don't plan on it xD
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