August 29, 2014


I saw you again; it felt like we had never met.
It's like the sun set in your eyes and never wanted to rise.
And what have you done with the one I love?
When I look into your eyes, I see no surprise.


I always thought it was a shame,
That we have to play these games.
It felt like you really knew me.
Now it feels like you see through me.

 -- "Sunset" by The XX

A close friend of mine called me last night. Her voice has a natural airy lilt that I've imagined the Daisy-Buchanan-esque socialites converse in as they sip their jewel-toned cocktails. Fluttery, rising upwards at the ends like kite tails. Someone who didn't understand English wouldn't have had the faintest idea that was she was calmly talking about her break-up with her boyfriend.

I'd chronicled the relationship since the earliest days. They met last year as first-year medical students, sharing a common interest in climbing. I saw the magnets coming together long before she was willing to admit the truth out loud. I still remember the exact date when she texted me that they had finally, officially put a label onto what they had. Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

Just a little under a year later, it's over. 

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