My love for this story is about equal in terms of unhealthy obsessiveness to Nana and Ren's possessive romance.
It sounds stupid, but the ink-drawn character of Nana Osaki changed my life. Thanks to her, I cut my hair, I wore miniskirts, I learned the electric guitar, I pierced my ears, and I finally found the confidence to sing. She was tough, ambitious, and loyal -- three qualities I yearned to possess. She has the fortitude to stand up against others and fight for herself, whereas I often find myself simply imagining scenes of retaliation in my mind. She has the ambition and passion that pushes her towards her goal, whereas I am at a complete loss as to what I want out of my future.
Perhaps, I imitate Nana's fashion and physical appearance because I want to be like her.
I will also confess that I had a major obsession with Ren Honjo as well. Tall, short spiky hair (none of that long wispy feminine hair), good-natured, musical. In reality, I would never seriously fall for Ren's type -- the ones who neglect all else but the guitar and fall victim to drugs and alcohol.
Perhaps, I was drawn towards Ren because I had subconsciously adopted Nana's frame of mind.
I hated how both Nana and Ren smoked constantly, but the reality was, I was completely drawn to the dangerous, consuming edge of their love.
Magnifique! It's posts like this that keep me coming back to your blog.
and I can't find the last few volumes of basara!!! I daresay that I am just as crazy over Basara as you are with Nana. Except I don't think I'll be binding my chest anytime soon. And I refuse to get a mullet-like haircut.
i read it
it's ridiculous
how does something like that happen to a perfectly great major character?
god, how depressing
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