November 24, 2008


Mila says she'll take the notes.

After all, they have enough problems on their hands. They've been blinking and rubbing away their eyelids all morning. (See how the skin peels into their palms. Pretty petals with pollenated eyelash stamens.) They drop a strand or two of an explanation, but not nearly enough to draw out a chain long enough to wrap around her throat. Yes darling, your words are safe with me, but don't forget how to breathe.

But I don't want to be safe, Mila thinks as they weave their spider webs in her presence. A trap. Yes, flaunt it. I am Tantalos, one of the damned of the Underworld. Flaunt your bracelets of ruby pomegranates; swing them out of my reach when I turn to grasp them. Isn't this so much fun? Watch the clueless little simpleton flail her arms around like a drowning cat. Into the river Styx you go, my foolish kitten.

1 comment:

Ari said...

i'm irritated too...albeit for a slightly different reason