Then I thought, For Goodness Sakes, It's Winter Break. Just Shut Up, Finish All Your Damn Work, And Then Enjoy The Break Since This Is Probably The First Year Since Middle School When You Didn't Have Homework Over Break.
I don't know why I am more productive late at night. Night is my favorite time of the day. I also like early mornings -- only if I get up that early naturally. Today and yesterday, I fell asleep really early on the same sofa. It's the one in my living room that is the absolute best seat to watch the TV from. You just lean against the right arm of the sofa, set up a bunch of pillows and blankets, and good night!
I'm technically a second-semester senior now. I'm afraid of getting too lazy and wild. I know my mom certainly is thinking the same, because she's been badgering me about getting a job. But I really have no idea what kind of job I want to do. I think I'd be a terrible waitress, considering how awkward I am around strangers. I think a few years ago, I was telling my mom about how cool it would be to work at a bakery like Sogo and bake pastries and cakes. She effectively shot down that idea by going on and on about how I wouldn't be able to control myself, and how I'd eat way too many sweets, and how gaining ten pounds wasn't worth getting paid. I also used to think about working at one of those Fantasia Tea & Coffee stores, since my parents' university friend (and consequently, my friend's dad) owns the whole chain. That idea stemmed partly from the fact that I accidentally threw a rock at the glass sliding door of his previous house. Which I naively promised I'd pay for back when I was... oh, twelve?
Or I could just intern somewhere. I really don't know.
Wow. It's 2:45. I really should go to sleep now.
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