September 9, 2010

Le Deuxième Jour

Day Two: Nine things about yourself

01. I'm the kind of person who has no problem spoiling the ending for herself. That is, I have no qualms about looking up the plot summary on wikipedia to decide if I want to keep reading/watching, and I have no problem with jumping around from volume to volume in a series. For instance, I read New Moon before I ever read Twilight and the second book of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants before I ever read the first one.

02. To the dismay of my mother, I played piano for 13 years of my life until I headed off to college and stopped practicing all together. Yes, I was burned out. Yes, I feel extremely guilty.

03. I've only just started to realize just how much people are intimidated by me. It's very strange to me, because ever since I was a pre-teen I've wanted to be the "Ice Queen" -- the cool and tough girl in all those books I read, not the meek and shy wallflower. My role models were tough-as-nails kickass girls, like Go-Go Yubari (minus the violent sociopath part).
It took this long for me to realize that I have actually been subconsciously cultivating this persona, and as a result people are intimidated by me, when in fact I'm just socially awkward like Mr. Darcy and don't know what to say in social crowds.

04. I love love love spicy food, and the lack of truly spicy food in Durham makes me quite sad.

05. Before I went back to Duke this fall, my mother told me that she's going to start worrying about me if I still don't have a boyfriend in two years.

I make friends with girls far more easily than I do with guys.

People have attributed the word "unique' to me in a number of ways -- my handwriting is very unusual and easily distinguishable, and my sense of style is very particular -- most notably my magenta shark backpack, from which people can easily distinguish me from yards away.

08. While I, the super cynic, don't believe in fortune-telling and tarot cards (other than the fact that I greatly enjoy inventing my friends' fortunes using the tarot card deck my friend gave me for my birthday), I have never been entirely skeptical of zodiac relationships because my parents, who have been happily married for more than twenty years, have very compatible zodiac signs -- both western and Chinese.

09. I have a huge wish, one wild enough that I refuse to tell anyone about -- and I truly believe I have the ability to make it come true.

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