The Ecstasian Phantom got nominated under the "Most Memorable" fiction category for SKoW.
For those of you who don't know what Some Kind of Wonderful (SKoW) is, it's a well-known awards site (at least in the fictionpress community) for fictionpress stories. All those stories that kept me up all night back when I was in middle school and early high school? Yup, those were some of the ones that have been crowned winners. I don't know how popular SKoW is with the fictionpress community now, but back in the day (oh man, more than five years ago) it was a BIG DEAL. These were the stories that got elevated into the spotlight, that everybody talked about (and that, unfortunately, suddenly became targets of Internet plagiarism).
To tell you the truth, I am utterly shocked and sheepish that it's been nominated, considering I haven't updated the story in almost a year. And I know exactly who nominated my story for the award. And the fact that I am utterly embarrassed about the current state of that story on the Internet, because it's now a big chopped-up revised (and hopefully much improved) mess offline.
inhale. exhale.
okay, back to taking notes on virology.
lol. I've been so detached from the online world (with the exception of this blog and Facebook) that I'm already feeling old. I think youth is when you can check all your favorite sites every five minutes and know exactly what's going on.
So after my exhausting day (I hate Mondays) involving two biology lectures plus working in a lab for the rest of the afternoon -- I finally checked the SKoW link to see what's up. It turns out my story was nominated months ago (whoops!) and the winners were already announced... last week? Haha. Needless to say, EP didn't win -- which shouldn't be a surprise to anybody, considering how neglected that story is. In fact, if it weren't for my critique partner, I probably would never have learned about the nomination at all.
NEVERTHELESS I am still pretty exuberant about this whole business. Because IN SPITE of the fact that I am the worst updater ever who has probably alienated her entire former fanbase, my utterly neglected brainchild still managed to beat out tons of other entries to garner a SKoW nomination (because yes, "Most Memorable" is a very competitive category), I can literally feel my body surging with this insane desire to just write write and write.
Unfortunately, the fact that I have two midterms next Monday and two consecutive papers due in that same week is being a complete killjoy at the moment.
Anyways, here is one of the pretty graphics I now have bragging rights for -- one of the trophies, I suppose, for this strange saga: