September 4, 2010

While My Guitar Gently Weeps

I don't listen to the Beatles much, but this is probably my favorite. I had no idea Prince was such an amazing guitarist. That solo gives me the chills.

I hate how I had major writer's block when I actually had time to write at home, and now that I'm inspired I can't write because I'm supposed to be studying. I think it's because I listen to all different genres of music when I'm working -- and usually it's the feeling when I get when I listen to a particular piece that gets me going.

The opening scene of EP, where Charlotte watches Rhys shred on the stage of Ecstasia for the first time -- I don't have the skills yet to do that scene justice. It's the goosebumps I get from the fullness of the music -- the layering chords, the resonating bass line, the howl of the guitar solo as you watch the guitarist from the dark anonymity of the audience -- I don't even know how to capture it in precise words.

If you're wondering what kind of music I listen to, my tastes vary. Whether it's Debussy, Bjork, OLIVIA, Queen, Brahms, Big Bang, David Garrett, Radiohead -- it all depends on my mood. Regardless of genre, I tend to like melancholy songs in minor keys.

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