November 19, 2010

notes to self

- stop losing sleep worrying about midterm grades
- stop buying bin candy. you're not storing fat for hibernation.
- you're not ugly. stop comparing yourself to everyone else.
- hurry up and finish all your reading this weekend so you can actually write this Thanksgiving break.

I hate this limbo period of not knowing. It was unbearable waiting for college applications, but right now I feel physically sick worrying about how I scored on my biology midterm. When I think about it rationally, it only makes things worse, because I know I shouldn't let an exam I've already taken put me in such a dismal mood -- right before Thanksgiving break, no less.

It feels like every negative thought I've had in the last few months has suddenly dumped itself on me this week. It's one of those moments when everything you're doing just seems so pointless. It's one of those moments when you really start doubting yourself. I think everybody in college goes through these thoughts at some point, but it seems to hit me especially hard during the midterm season. I don't want to celebrate the upcoming break by partying with the tennis team. I just want to curl up under the blankets and sleep until winter.

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