To all ye broken hearts out there, does this story sound familiar?
Girl has lived in the same little town all of her life, leading a meaningless, pedestrian life where everybody knows everybody and everybody's business. She wants more than this provincial life -- that is, until the gorgeous new boy comes to town.

Girl meets Boy. It is love at first sight. A little shy, yes, but he is the strapping young man with the lean and luxurious body that she has been dreaming of all her life. In earnestness, she makes her affections known.

Unfortunately he's just not that into her.
Nevertheless, Girl is persistent. She continues her pursuit of Boy in earnestness, flirting playfully with him as she introduces him around town. Boy continues to shy away from her advances, but gradually his heart warms to her sweet temper and friendly nature. After Girl saves Boy's life in a dramatic encounter with a dangerous and wolfish predator, he warms up to her and for the first time, he is receptive to her love as they cuddle together under a tree. Girl is so happy that she feels as if her heart is about to burst.
Unfortunately, it will.

As expected from a "New Kid with a Mysterious Past," Boy has been harboring a dark secret, and soon it is revealed that Boy is not who Girl thinks he is at all. In fact, Boy hides a dark and sinister secret that threatens to strip Girl of her newfound happiness.

Alas, do you not weep at this tragic tale? Does it not strike a chord within your own hearts? It is she, the Girl Squirrel, the Champion of Broken Hearts, Unrequited Loves, and Romances That Could Never Be!!
I don't think this is right at all. This scenario is much more common! The boy does his best to not only convey his true self but also to communicative his feelings (or lack thereof). She doesn't listen. She just wants what she wants and is so single minded that she uses tactics that, if done by a guy, would be considered sexual harassment, assault (she knocked him down completely!) and attempted rape! And when he turns back into a human she REJECTS him! He wasn't mean or in anyway threatening! He just showed her what he's been telling her he is all along! She took it upon herself to leave! "Wait, you aren't a squirrel? Screw you for ruining my life by being who you are!" To add insult to injury, she runs away crying like he did something wrong! She brings the guilt-trip on thick enough to make Arthur feel terrible! And there's nothing he can do but walk away! He didn't reject her! All he was able to get out before she threw her tantrum was to once again convey who and what he is. I'm sure he was getting around to it (or maybe try to find a solution to their species' incompatibility, who knows?). Either way, she rejected him by running away as soon as her self-deluding (and just plain selfish) idea of her mate changed from her liking! She is shallow and knows NOTHING about love (of course, she is only a squirrel). She was in lust (not a suitable topic in a children's film, I know). She was fickle. And then instead of thinking "Hey, wait! This was what he's been saying the whole time. I should love him for his virtues AND his faults!"She just runs away blaming him... for what though? For being honest? For doing his best to communicate with her (while she had so little regard for what he was saying that she just didn't care to listen)? Or just for being who he is?! I used to find this scene sad when I was younger. I bothered me as I watched it later in life and I never knew why. That is, until I noticed that he didn't reject her, lie to her, or even get angry at her (frustrated yes, not angry). That it was her that rejected him for being himself and then making it seem like he did something to ruin her perfect little delusion! That's totally unfair, infantile, and just plain vicious! I mean, what else could Arthur have done? Remain a squirrel because if not she'll cry? I don't feel bad for her. I feel bad for Arthur. I bet that's his first romantic interaction and that's what he has to deal with? I know men and women that wouldn't have handled that situation a lot meaner!
P.S. He did NOT start giving into her affection and cuddled her back behind the rock. He even asked Merlin to change him back already!
And, watch closely, Arthur does give her one last look back at her. He looked back as soon as he got to Merlin! How many more does he have to give for it to be acknowledged? He wasn't a squirrel anymore so he can't climb to the highest branch like she did.
Dylan, do I seriously have to try to set you straight again? She was just being her naturally squirrel self. There's absolutely no way she could understand, being that she's just a squirrel created entirely in God's image. Your views on the whole scenario, on the other hand, are 100% inaccurate and just plain ignorant! You have nothing to show for them, other than badmouth those who disagree with your views and/or try to set you straight! Now I'm gonna suggest that you stop shoving your overanalyzed views down our throats and get a life. Otherwise, you can just forget about going to any webpage that has anything to do with this scenario so that you don't have to worry about coming across anybody on the internet that doesn't share the same opinions as you do! Now get a life!
Taylor you have never "set me straight" or anything even close. And I'm really not interested in your opinion anyway. When did I leave a comment here? Months ago? And I'm the one that needs to get a life. Do yourself a favor and read just a little about squirrels. Even you should find that the girl squirrel in this scene doesn't act like a "real squirrel made in God's image (and it's funny that you say that and then tell me to get a life. How very Christian of you). So, she wasn't made like God intended but how the writers wrote her (this may be difficult for you but that squirrel isn't real and the events in the scene never happened).
Our differences aside, don't you think Arthur is getting the shaft in this article? No matter what we think about the girl squirrel's behavior Arthur did his best not to lead her on or even hurt her feelings. Could we at least agree that Arthur shouldn't be made into some jerk that strung her along? To be completely honest, it's people that post about Arthur that way (who was really trying his best despite being thrust into terrible circumstances that he did NOT deserve!) that drove me to post at all!
Alright, you know what? I don't really care what you say anymore. And I don't even care what you think about my analyses on the girl squirrel. Right now, I view her actions more along the lines of mysterious than morally questionable, and furthermore, I do not wish to deal with you any further! This conversation is over!
Alright, fine, I'm back. Honestly, I just don't see how you think that the squirrel's actions are inappropriate. I believe that they were all just for humorous affect. On the other hand, the squirrel rejected Arthur because of squirrelish instincts. Believe me, a human and a squirrel would never work out, and besides, squirrels naturally stay away from humans. Even if the squirrel's amorous actions were unrealistic, her reaction to seeing Arthur for what he really is is perfectly natural, for reasons that I've stated before. You, on the other hand, are taking this too far, and I suggest you just let it go!
I'm not trying to pick a fight with this question nor am I trying to paint the girl squirrel as evil, but how are her actions not inappropriate? I'll admit that she wasn't trying to hurt anyone and that if the only choices are forcing affection or forcing violence I'd go with affection each time. But that doesn't make it right. It's just the lesser of two evils. How about this: your daughter (if you had one) comes to you after school and tells you that another student grabbed her head and forced kisses on her that your response would be that it's ok for that to happen and is in no way inappropriate? And if your thought is that as humans it's inappropriate but not for squirrels would it then be ok for Arthur to respond with forced violence to get her to stop? I don't think he should've done that since as a human he knows better. And I understand that she doesn't know better since she's just a squirrel but that doesn't make it right.
And I'll also admit that her reaction to seeing Arthur as human is understandable (as I've said before). My only problems are how she treated Arthur and that people post things making out Arthur (and to a lesser degree Merlin) to be some kind of jerk intent or oblivious to hurting anyone's feelings in this scene.
I feel that all her actions were all in fun and weren't meant to be taken seriously, except for her getting upset. Nothing more.
Fair enough... she seemed to take everything pretty seriously though... especially when she got upset.
I look at it like this: this situation is serious all around or not serious at all. Either her actions are inappropriate and her saddness is regretable or her antics are just fun and her saddness is a ridiculous overreaction (since this was all in fun anyway and her crying in a tree isn't exactly fun). As much as I don't care for this squirrle's behavior I'm not prepared to say that she's just messing around and not taking things seriously. She certainly isn't a hypocrite! She throws all of her chips in for Arthur (which is setting herself up for heartbreak and isn't a smart thing to do so soon but I'll give her credit for not going about things halfway!) which is pretty serious all around. I'm not saying thst you're wrong, just that my point of view is different. If the actions aren't to be taken seriously then how can the results be taken seriously or vice versa?
Alright, look, I'm done discussing this.
I do have one more thing though and I'm not trying to argue or label your opinion as wrong (as you do to all the time. I just don't understand your logic in taking this girl squirrel's reaction in the end seriously but not her antics that lead up to it. She certainly seemed to take her antics seriously or she wouldn't have gotten so upset in the end. And if she wasn't taking things seriously in flirting with Arthur then why get so upset at all?
I'm pretty sure that even though I've taken the time to explain the reasons behind my opinions you are just going to say that you're right just because you say so like some others. But I'll tell you this: I've never had a problem with your opinions. Just how you get them across. In fact, I've respected your opinions even if I didn't agree with them. If you'll recall your very first comment to me was just telling me that I'm 100% wrong.
I don't know why I have once again wasted my time attempting to explain my reasoning to someone with your intellect and sense of self-righteousness. I already learned that and decided to ignore your insulting and narrow-minded comments. I'm going to go back to that with you and your gameshow friend as attempting any kind of logical discussion is impossible. Thanks for "setting me straight again" in reminding me that I shouldn't have ever bothered expressing the reasons behind my opinions with people that aren't capable caring about anyone's except their own.
P.S. I'm actually surprised that you supported gameshow's comments about taking away my freedom of speech. You and I don't agree about things but you've at least had moments when we could cordially explain things to each other before you lose your temper and go back to just forcing your opinion and laying out judgments. I used to have some respect for you because of those rare instances. I'm going to go back to ignoring comments from both of you... except for the funny threats about taking away my freedom of speech. Those make me laugh. And good luck with that by the way.
As I look back at your first comment at the top, I think you're clearly ignoring the possibility that Sophelia, the creator of this blog, using the squirrel scene as symbolism and wasn't really meant to follow what actually happened in the film, and I gotta admit, she does quite an impressive job at it. She deserves a medal. Anyhow, why can't you ever change your mind about the whole scene and the squirrel herself?
Looking at it that way is fine. Yes, she does do a very good job. I think the symbolism that can be taken from this scene could be changed to many different scenarios. I just get a bit upset when people make Arthur out to be mean or insensitive because he was trying so hard not to be either (and he's new at this because he's just a kid).
Thank you for asking a real question. To be honest, my views of the girl squirrel have changed. Even if I haven't agreed with some of your views I still have given them considerable thought. The only thing that hasn't charged is that I will always stick up for Arthur. I don't agree with anyone that recommends violence towards the girl squirrel. Do I agree with her techniques at expressing emotions? No, but I know she's a squirrel AND recognize that she's hurting herself with them. If I was a friend of hers I would tell her not to beat a dead horse. Seriously, I wouldn't want to see her do that to herself. A lot of my views that changed about this girl squirrel changed because of some of the reasonable things you've written. I have zero problem discussing things nicely even if it's with someone with different views than mine... but I won't be told that my views are wrong. My views are as valid as anyone else's.
Thank you again for the honest question without any hostility or condescension.
You're welcome.
not to take sides, but i agree with some of Dylan's 1st comment. I watched the film and near the end of the squirrel scene the girl jumps or more accurately pounces on the guy and practically flattens him! how is that affection may I ask? Then when arthur is changed back into a human she gives him the tears of disappointment, the stare of shame, the face of total rejection. (sure she's dissapointed that he's not a squirrel but still) then again you can't blame the girl squirrel for that. can you?
P.S. it was not raining when she was crying
Thank you Anonymous for the good points all around! And that's very true that it wasn't raining. It did look pretty overcast, but it was set in England. I think it was part of the symbolism Taylor mentioned that Sophelia was going for and it really did do an effective job of conveying sadness!
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I honestly can't blame the girl squirrel at all, being that a human and a squirrel would never work out, unless Wart remained a squirrel or Merlin changed the girl squirrel into a human. Besides, I strongly feel that Dylan is taking this scenario the wrong way. He really needs to get a life and stop shoving his opinions down our throats.
Aw, someone is cranky because there are others that don't share his opinion and so they'll justify personal attacks that have nothing to do with the topic. Poor baby! I'm gonna go ahead and retract my earlier thank you for discussing things like an adult. Especially since I referenced some of your writing in a way that was in no way negative to a person commenting in a way that I'm sure you would complain as "taking my side.""Shoving my opinions down everyone's throats" indeed. I guess you're going to go back to making threats like your Gestapo friend on YouTube now.
Aw, someone is cranky because there are others that don't share his opinion and so they'll justify personal attacks that have nothing to do with the topic. Poor baby! I'm gonna go ahead and retract my earlier thank you for discussing things like an adult. Especially since I referenced some of your writing in a way that was in no way negative to a person commenting in a way that I'm sure you would complain as "taking my side.""Shoving my opinions down everyone's throats" indeed. I guess you're going to go back to making threats like your Gestapo friend on YouTube now.
I'm serious. Get a life. And I mean that as an adult.
You know I've acknowledged your opinions as valid. I've only taken issue with the immature criticisms and personal attacks. So, you go ahead and see how childish you've been by not being able to agree to disagree and not being able to have a civilized discussion without resorting to threats and name-calling.
I'm sure you're just upset that (in your eyes) someone sided with my opinion instead of yours. So, go figure out what being an adult is before entering an adult conversation because your way of communicating should be about the topic not what you think of me (which, since I've got a life, really doesn't mean anything to me since you know nothing about me).
I do love it when you say that you're serious like that will scare me or something. It's actually really cute!
Oh yeah! Also, voicing my opinion is my right in this world and really doesn't mean I don't have a life. Now constantly criticizing other people's opinions without adding anything to the discussion like you're doing? Well, that's a different story...
Wow neither of you are acting mature at all! Both of you: shut up, get a fuckin' life and stop having a whiny-baby pissing match about cartoon squirrels, Christ.
I do have a life. Thus, I wish to stop discussing this with Dylan.
Taylor you don't have to explain yourself to someone without the creativity of hiding behind a fake name and results to profanity and name-calling to make a point.
Taylor you don't have to explain yourself to someone without the creativity of hiding behind a fake name and results to profanity and name-calling to make a point.
Dylan, you're a little too extreme, but i think i get your point. The squirrel is partially to blame because her wanting of Wart was what led to her emotional downfall. Also, you do have to consider that it's squirrel nature to go after a mate. The female squirrel chose him for life, and him being a human was like a literal knife in her heart. Though i still agree with your first comment.
Thanks Anonymous. I let this go before this conversation came to a middle. Some people you just can't have a civilized conversation with ;-)
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