Some things I would like to get off my chest - and what I would like to say to certain people.
1) Before people start accusing me of dramatizing my own life and experiences, let's straighten something out. Despite whatever you may think, you were not the one living my life. Maybe you think that the incident was no big deal, that I just like to blow things out of proportion so I appear significant, like those people who desperately link themselves to the ones who have died just so their stories become important. But you are a complete outsider. You have no idea what it meant to me when I found out what was happening. And as for arbitrarily connecting myself to the story, don't forget that this is my story to tell as well.
And don't forget, I am a writer. I see things in terms of drama.
2) Suspicion is an adaptation for survival. I learned a long time ago that I cannot trust you completely. Anything I tell you is catalogued in your brain, lined up with the rest of your artillery of gossip and hearsay. You pick your battles and know precisely when to use what you have learned as a weapon. I do not hate you - quite the opposite - but I do wish you would stop baiting me. Sometimes, it feels as if you aim to flaunt by revealing the tiniest flash of what you have learned, only to cover it up and deny everything in the same breath.
3) I have removed the link to this site from facebook. I have decided that there are too many people I do not want reading this. Of course, I could always change the option to "registered users" only, but that would be overkill. The link on fictionpress will stay.
4) And you. Just because you have a dick doesn't mean you need to act like one.
1 comment:
...you're not talking about me, are you? this is a scary post. Oh yeah! I got a blogspot thing! except I'm not a very good blogger, and you probably shouldn't read what I wrote, lest I diffuse your morbid aura and cause your maturity level to drop.
Can you send me the link now?
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