To put it bluntly, I am not a fan of dances. But contrary to everyone's moaning and whining about the horrible theme this year, I actually thought the Sadies theme was good. Unlike the 80s theme or superhero theme (come on, how many people actually want to wear tights and undies to a high school dance?), the Perfect Pair theme actually opens a lot up to originality. Creativity gets bonus points, rather than which bone-headed pair that wants to prove how aerodynamic they are in lycra.
So while I was looking at various pictures, I thought: Cool! I had no intention of going to that dance, but there were so many possible pairings I could have suggested to anyone willing to listen. Probably nobody. But a genius is never understood in her own time.
M. Yin, you can stop laughing now.
1. Nana and Ren
Yes, I am a Nana fanatic. But considering forty percent of our student body is Asian, this wouldn't be a bad idea, no? Plus, instead of being something mushy like, I don't know, Cinderella and Prince Charming - you can wear cool clothes and have a slightly twisted (and possibly tragic) love story! [ducks as a horde of deranged romantics chuck their steamy romance novels] Moving onto an even more depressing duo (and the one that inspired Nana and Ren):
2. Sid and Nancy
Please tell me somebody dressed up as Sid and Nancy. How much more iconic can you get? Sure, they look (and probably are) stoned, but considering a bunch of the kids at school are mixing up with that crap anyway, then they can at least use Sid and Nancy as an excuse.
School Official: Hey, you two seem very suspicious.
Sid/Nancy: Say what? We are Sid and Nacy, you fool! Oooh, look! A butterfly! [skips away gleefully]
3. Jane and Tarzan
Okay, I only included this so people didn't think I had an unhealthy obsession with duos that ultimately meet a tragic end (or maybe it's too late). But if you think about it, it works in a demented way. The girl gets to wear a nice Victorian style dress. Elegant and sophisticated. And hopefully her date is nice and fit like the King of the Jungle so he strut around the dancefloor in his loin cloth so every girl in the room can admire and envy.
Sudden random thought: What was Jane's first reaction to this guy? I doubt it was love at first sight. Assuming he was at least twenty-years-old, Tarzan probably stunk like a twenty-year build-up of bad breath. Unless he chewed on mint leaves every day. Do they have mint plants in the jungle?
Moving on...
4. Abigail and John Adams
Come on, look at the byline! It sums it all up: Love and Liberty. [cue the long drawn-out awwwww] Admit it. You wish you'll end up with a marriage like theirs instead of going through multiple divorces like so many people do these days. Plus the rest of the world will be reading your love letters centuries after you've passed away. How's that for leaving a mark in history? Just don't sweat too much in those clothes, or you'll stink worse than Tarzan.
Have I effectively killed off the notion that I advocate tragic endings?
5. Christine Daae and the Phantom

Besides being a Nana nut, I am also a Phantom of the Opera nut. Who would have thunk?
Well, I was aiming for 10, but this is taking longer than I thought. I should have been doing homework. egah. If you're not like me and have finished all your homework, go read this short news article:
I have nothing against believing in God, but to the extent where you would refuse to get medical treatment to the point when your daughter dies?

That's just sad.
1 comment:
The theme of Sadies was the "perfect pair?" No wonder a couple of people decided to dress as pokemon (or wear t-shirts bearing the names of them, anyways).
And about that girl who died, her parents are really ________.
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