March 20, 2008


Too close to me.
Looked out the window and could see you.
Losing control.

Visited Olivia this afternoon.
Indulged in cookie dough Haagen-Daz.
Wandered past the gurgling fountains and confetti gardens.
Hugged Olivia good-bye.

Fingered jewel dresses of satin, silk, lace.
Color-drunk with vermillion, chartreuse, garnet, turquoise.
Played dress-up - an overweight doll in a dressing room.

Dieting for five days, only fruits and vegetables.
Listening to a voice singing in earphones.
Chasing the elusive moon in the car.
Wonder what you are up to now.

It was the farthest I could bring myself away from you.
That was what I wanted.

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