We really are too similar, you and I. Circling like two panthers, waiting for the other to make the first move. What was the other analogy I once used? Right. Two solitary kings in a stalemate.
So you truly want to learn more? I shall oblige, but if the silence stays, I cannot keep waiting.
- I was almost named Cassandra by my godmother.
- My eyes turn a golden brown color in the face of the sun.
- The silver chain almost never leaves my neck.
- My childhood favorite was a stuffed clouded leopard kitten named Momo.
- I absolutely detest nail polish with an absurdly fiery passion.
- Ever since I picked up the garden hose and squished the idiot slug resting on the hose, I have stayed away from slugs ever since.
- I am the type of person who will "rescue" a spider by releasing it into the yard, rather than skooshing it with tissue paper like an unfazed housewife.
- I am a prude who disliked the Little Mermaid and Jasmine when I was young because they were half-naked above the waist. This is the same prude who never has and never will wear a two-piece bathing suit because she is too self-conscious.
- I like browsing through pictures of ball-joint dolls. People find them creepy but they're just jealous they will never be as pretty.
- I possess the incredibly useless talent of having a good memory for birthdays.
- I was obsessed with Sailor Moon from preschool to first grade, until C remarked one day, "Geez, why are you so crazy about Sailor Moon?" and effectively burst my bubble.
- Reading Wasteland by Francesca Lia Block was the turning point of my writing style. Reading Ariel by Sylvia Plath was the turning point of my experimentation with minimalism.
- Orchids are my favorite flowers.
- I dislike cake, whipped cream, cream puffs, chocolate ice cream, and tea. I love anything spicy.
- I refused to get my hair cut shorter than shoulder-length when I was young. (Funny how things change.)
- If I could change one physical feature of myself, I would change my voice.
- For the first time in my existence, I have a birthday wish.
The sun is turning inside-out of the universe so
Cupid, Cupid
Please aim your arrow at my sleeping flower
One time
Cupid, CupidI can't keep waiting for you
I can't keep expecting you"
-- "Cupid" by OLIVIA
I had bad grammar the last time so I'm going to try again.
You are a strange person, but I suppose we all have our eccentricities (though some have more than others).
arg. you seem to not have gotten it. the poem was about you.
i woke up one time with a weird looking bug on my bed (I believe it's called a 'silverfish'), and as far as I knew they were pretty harmless as bugs go, such i just flicked it into a corner and forgot about it haha.
as for spiders, i was at my cousins' one time, and i was watching tv with them and i found a nickel-sized spider on my leg, so i freaked the hell out. then my cousin picked it up with is hands and put it behind the tv LOL. i didn't feel a bite, but i had an itchy welt there later.
heh where i come from, you have to worry about scorpions. you seriously don't want to tangle with those bastards
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