April 2, 2008

My Sassy Rip-off

Anybody who used to read my xanga before I moved to blogspot might remember the rant I wrote about Hollywood butchering Asian movies. Well apparently, this is the trailer for My Sassy Girl.

I am sorry, but from what I've seen from the trailer, Elisha Cuthbert is nothing compared to Jun Ji-hyun. Her character has none of that "wanna-die" coolness. She comes across instead as whiny and obnoxious. Many of the scenes have also been remade, and they are fairly disappointing.

Take the slapping scene, for instance. In the original Korean movie, the soliders all cross the line on the same foot, which only heightened the audience's horrified amusement as Jun Ji-hyun prepared to slap Gyeon-woo, who would suffer a slap for every soldier that crossed the line. And in the American remake, you get Jesse Bradford and Elisha Cuthbert slapping each other silly, because I suppose American marching bands don't march in rhythm on the same foot. Somehow, I find it childish rather than funny.

Plus, it looks like the remake will use most of the same scenes, which I find rather strange. The movie incorporates a lot of Asian crossovers, such as the Girl's kendo hobby. How many people in America play kendo?

Of course, this is all based on the two and a half minutes of the trailer. But still. Now I feel like watching the Korean My Sassy Girl, but unfortunately, I have homework to do.


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