To all ye broken hearts out there, does this story sound familiar?
Girl has lived in the same little town all of her life, leading a meaningless, pedestrian life where everybody knows everybody and everybody's business. She wants more than this provincial life -- that is, until the gorgeous new boy comes to town.

Girl meets Boy. It is love at first sight. A little shy, yes, but he is the strapping young man with the lean and luxurious body that she has been dreaming of all her life. In earnestness, she makes her affections known.

Unfortunately he's just not that into her.
Nevertheless, Girl is persistent. She continues her pursuit of Boy in earnestness, flirting playfully with him as she introduces him around town. Boy continues to shy away from her advances, but gradually his heart warms to her sweet temper and friendly nature. After Girl saves Boy's life in a dramatic encounter with a dangerous and wolfish predator, he warms up to her and for the first time, he is receptive to her love as they cuddle together under a tree. Girl is so happy that she feels as if her heart is about to burst.
Unfortunately, it will.

As expected from a "New Kid with a Mysterious Past," Boy has been harboring a dark secret, and soon it is revealed that Boy is not who Girl thinks he is at all. In fact, Boy hides a dark and sinister secret that threatens to strip Girl of her newfound happiness.

Alas, do you not weep at this tragic tale? Does it not strike a chord within your own hearts? It is she, the Girl Squirrel, the Champion of Broken Hearts, Unrequited Loves, and Romances That Could Never Be!!