August 14, 2009


So my mother finally yelled at me today. Well, I think I already knew it was too good to be true, considering how she had been so remarkably patient and good-humored ever since I came back. I guess she bottled it for too long, because her blowup actually came rather arbitrarily. We just happened to drive by the place I used to get tutoring for the SAT II, which led her to talk about the college presentation I did with Gov. J, C, and S. And then, it all went downhill from there. Basically, she managed to fill a twenty-minute car ride with everything that had bothered her since the beginning of second semester (plus some of junior year, in which she nailed me for not really taking practice SAT tests, as opposed to Gov. J who revealed that she had taken over 15 practice tests. Love that girl, but I HATE being compared to her).

Whatever. I acknowledge most of her arguments, including getting lazy my senior year and getting crummy scores on the AP tests. The one thing that REALLY ticks me off though, is how she always says, "Your father wouldn't be so reluctant to pay your college tuition if you had gotten into Harvard." Um... okay, I'm SORRY I got into Duke. I'm SORRY that the only colleges Asian parents seem to know are Harvard, Stanford, and Berkeley.

What's my worst fear? My worst fear is not being able to regain my work ethic once I start school again. I really let myself go during my senior year. There's a lot of pressure on my shoulders. My father was very reluctant to pay the tuition for Duke -- and the only reason he really decided to let me go is that I argued that I'd have a better chance of getting into medical school if I go to a private school. If my grades drop, my parents said they could easily just stop paying for my tuition.

Yup. So now that my happy bubble of carefree living has burst, I'd better go take care of packing.

On another unrelated note, I am considering changing my blog name and url. I will warn you all ahead of time if I decide to switch things up.

1 comment:

graydyl said...

Hey Lyd, I have to say that I completely relate to this post. Because my parents are just like yours... and even though I somehow managed to get myself into Stanford, my mom was still unsatisfied. "You were only lucky, and you don't deserve it. If you really deserved it, then you would have been able to get into Harvard." blahblah -_- basically, regardless of how "well" I do, there's always something negative to say about it.

On a sidenote, Duke is great for pre-med, your parents should know that. And Duke med school is top-notch. And on another sidenote, LYD let's be pre-med buds and sweat/tear/bleed through these four years together :p