But I kept this particular slip of paper for a reason. It'll be our little game. Let's see how the Sophelia of November 16, 2009 will differ from the Sophelia of August 16, 2009.
Approximately 23 hours from now, I will be aboard a plane heading to Durham, North Carolina. If I manage to finish packing, write all my letters, and take care of my goodbyes before then, I will write a movie review of Miyazaki's latest film, Ponyo, in my usual brand of sarcastic, cynical commentary.
(To my fictionpress readers who have discovered my blog: I manged to complete about 85 percent of Ch. 16 of EP last night. The original intent was to have it posted before I leave for college. At this point, I do not believe I can finish writing it before I leave for my flight tomorrow evening. I have not given up on EP, but to be frank, it is not at the top of my priorities during this very emotional, life-changing period of my life.
But thank you for all your support. It's what keeps me writing, even after all these years.)
so i got my yearbook back the night before yesterday, but hadn't bothered to look at it until i went to bed last night. it was then that i discovered that you hadn't finished writing in it! haha but that's okay. i think i'm going to print out that lovely email you wrote me and tape it in there, instead. thank you so much for that. it made me smile. thanks for the memories, thanks for everything.
love you, going to miss you a LOT,
oh my gosh...time flies...and I can't believe that you are leaving. I wish I'd met you earlier before AID. ): I don't know when my winter break is yet...but I'll be sure to let you know when I do. until then, please have a safe flight...have fun in college but work your butt off too. good luck with everything mei mei! <3
I MISS YOU. And I hope you are now happily situated at Duke [: Tell me all about it!!!!!
What is your fictionpress again?
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