August 30, 2009

It's Funny

I've never been worried about making a tennis team in my entire life.

Until today.



No, I did not make the Duke Varsity Women's Tennis team, which won the NCAA tournament last season. I made the Women's Club Tennis team, which is still a pretty competitive team, just a notch below the Varsity team. There were probably thirty or so girls who tried out today -- and from what I could discern from the e-mail, only 11 were admitted to the competitive team (MY TEAM -- the rest are kind of like Junior Varsity). And apparently, we travel around the country (?) for competitions. :O

But now I am sad that I was not in California this weekend. Otherwise, I would have totally gone to watch Silversun Pickups perform this weekend at Outside Lands Music Festival. Boo.

On another note, I woke up one morning a few days ago to find 10 review alerts from fictionpress in my inbox. That's right, TEN. I was so happy/ashamed -- happy that there are people out there who are still reading my dormant story, ashamed that I have not updated in more than six months.

It's funny though. It's been about three years since I started the story. Writing can mark progress of one's life, and I can tell from reading my old work that I have grown up. My characters were flat and two-dimensional, based on stereotypical characters I had often read about in books or watched in movies. But the 18-year-old me has met many different people in the last three years. I've watched relationships grow, bloom, and wilt; I've met some pleasantly eccentric and not-so-pleasantly weird people; and I myself have changed. When I read the writing I wrote as a 15-year-old, I am dismayed by how flat Rhys is, how much I oversimplified Rory's character, and how underdeveloped the supporting characters are. A part of me is too embarrassed to reread my work, but on the other hand, another part of me is dying to rewrite and revise.

Pssttt. Want to know something? I had this idea of writing a blog from the point of view of a Duke freshman girl. I was considering wiping out Heart & Crossbones and starting over with a new semi-fictional blog. I'd create a new persona and write about the girl's epic adventures. Since my life is so boring, I'd entertain my friends with fictional accounts of Duke life. Win-win, right? I get to live vicariously (as I always do) through my character, and the rest of you get a good story.

Unfortunately, it turns out that I have way too much shit to do every day. But who knows? Maybe I might. Someday, sometime.

And now, jumping to yet another completely unrelated note... I feel strangely excited, and seemingly for no reason. But then again, I'm sure I'll feel otherwise Monday morning when I get up for class.


direangel said...

don't worryy =)

you'll be amazing <3
good luckk

joel said...

Good Luck Lydia!!
I'm sure that you'll pwn!

kitkat said...

wahh, thats scary to think about, but ull own!! ull def make it!

graydyl said...

How did it go?!! I was trying to ask you over oovoo today but I don't think you got what I was trying to act out/mouth/post-it-note :p

Ari said...

congratulations! :) the team sounds exciting. traveling = way cool

ahhh i love those random "i'm so excited" feelings that come every once in a while for some unknown reason. it feels amazing

your fictional duke blog sounds interesting, too :)